
We have three types of collective decision procedures:

  1. Voting Method: given edata, outputs a sorted list of candidates, representing tied winners;

  2. Probabilistic Voting Method: given edata, outputs a dictionary whose keys are candidates and whose values are probabilities;

  3. Social Welfare Function: given edata, outputs a Ranking of the candidates.

We further categorize collective decision procedures based on the input from the voters:

  1. Ordinal procedures take as input one or more of the following types of edata: Profile, ProfilesWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph, and SupportGraph. These procedures are discussed in the following:

  2. Cardinal procedures take as input a UtilityProfile and/or a GradeProfile. These procedures are discussed in the following:

VotingMethod Class and Decorator

class pref_voting.voting_method.VotingMethod(vm, name=None, input_types=None, skip_registration=False, properties_file=None)[source]

A class to add functionality to voting methods.

  • vm (function) – An implementation of a voting method. The function should accept a Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, and/or MarginGraph, and a keyword parameter curr_cands to find the winner after restricting to curr_cands.

  • name (string) – The Human-readable name of the voting method.

  • properties (VotingMethodProperties) – The properties of the voting method.

  • input_types (list) – The types of input that the voting method can accept.

add_property(prop, value)[source]

Add a property to the voting method.

check_property(prop, include_counterexample=True)[source]

Check if the voting method satisfies a property.

choose(edata, curr_cands=None)[source]

Return a randomly chosen element from the winning set.

display(edata, curr_cands=None, cmap=None, **kwargs)[source]

Display the winning set of candidates.


Return the properties of the voting method.

get_violation_witness(prop, minimal_resolute=False, minimal=False)[source]

Return the election that witnesses a violation of prop.


Check if the voting method has a property.


Load the properties of the voting method from a JSON file.

prob(edata, curr_cands=None)[source]

Return a dictionary representing the even-chance tiebreaking for the voting method.


Remove a property from the voting method.

save_properties(filename=None, timeout=10)[source]

Save the properties of the voting method to a JSON file.


Set the algorithm for the voting method if ‘algorithm’ is an accepted keyword parameter.


algorithm – The algorithm to set for the voting method.


Set the name of the voting method.

pref_voting.voting_method.vm(name=None, input_types=None, skip_registration=False)[source]

A decorator used when creating a voting method.

ProbVotingMethod Function Class and Decorator

class pref_voting.prob_voting_method.ProbVotingMethod(pvm, name=None)[source]

A class to add functionality to probabilistic voting methods

  • pvm (function) – An implementation of a probabilistic voting method. The function should accept any type of profile, and a keyword parameter curr_cands to find the winner after restricting to curr_cands.

  • name (string) – The human-readable name of the social welfare function.


A dictionary that represents the probability on the set of candidates.

choose(edata, curr_cands=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a randomly chosen element according to the probability.

display(edata, curr_cands=None, cmap=None, **kwargs)[source]

Display the winning set of candidates.


Set the name of the social welfare function.

support(edata, curr_cands=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return the sorted list of the set of candidates that have non-zero probability.


A decorator used when creating a social welfare function.

SocialWelfareFunction Class and Decorator

class pref_voting.social_welfare_function.SocialWelfareFunction(swf, name=None)[source]

A class to add functionality to social welfare functions

  • swf (function) – An implementation of a voting method. The function should accept any type of profile, and a keyword parameter curr_cands to find the winner after restricting to curr_cands.

  • name (string) – The Human-readable name of the social welfare function.


A ranking (Ranking) of the candidates.

display(edata, curr_cands=None, **kwargs)[source]

Display the result of the social welfare function.


Set the name of the social welfare function.

winners(edata, curr_cands=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a sorted list of the first place candidates.


A decorator used when creating a social welfare function.

Helper Functions: Converting between Voting Methods and Social Welfare Functions

pref_voting.helper.swf_from_vm(vm, tie_breaker=None)[source]

Given a voting method, returns a social welfare function that uses the voting method to rank the candidates (winners are ranked first; then they are excluded from curr_cands and the new winners are ranked second; etc.).

  • vm (function) – A voting method.

  • tie_breaker (str) – The tie-breaking method to use. Options are “alphabetic”, “random”, and None. Default is None.


A social welfare function that uses the voting method to rank the candidates.

Return type:



Given a social welfare function, returns a voting method that selects all the candidates ranked first according to the swf.


swf (function) – A social welfare function.


A voting method that uses the swf to find the winning set.

Return type:
