Source code for pref_voting.voting_method

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: November 6, 2021
    Update: January 15, 2023
    The VotingMethod class and helper functions for voting methods

import functools
import inspect
import numpy as np
from numba import jit # Remove until numba supports python 3.11
import random

[docs] class VotingMethod(object): """ A class to add functionality to voting methods. Args: vm (function): An implementation of a voting method. The function should accept a Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, and/or MarginGraph, and a keyword parameter ``curr_cands`` to find the winner after restricting to ``curr_cands``. name (string): The Human-readable name of the voting method. properties (VotingMethodProperties): The properties of the voting method. input_types (list): The types of input that the voting method can accept. """ def __init__(self, vm, name=None, properties=None, input_types=None, skip_registration=False): self.vm = vm = name = properties self.input_types = input_types self.skip_registration = skip_registration self.algorithm = None functools.update_wrapper(self, vm) def __call__(self, edata, curr_cands = None, **kwargs): if (curr_cands is not None and len(curr_cands) == 0) or len(edata.candidates) == 0: return [] # Set the algorithm from self.algorithm if it's not already provided in kwargs if 'algorithm' not in kwargs and self.algorithm is not None: params = inspect.signature(self.vm).parameters if 'algorithm' in params and params['algorithm'].kind in [inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]: kwargs['algorithm'] = self.algorithm return self.vm(edata, curr_cands=curr_cands, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_algorithm(self, algorithm): """ Set the algorithm for the voting method if 'algorithm' is an accepted keyword parameter. Args: algorithm: The algorithm to set for the voting method. """ params = inspect.signature(self.vm).parameters if 'algorithm' in params and params['algorithm'].kind in [inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD]: self.algorithm = algorithm else: raise ValueError(f"The method {} does not accept 'algorithm' as a parameter.")
[docs] def choose(self, edata, curr_cands = None): """ Return a randomly chosen element from the winning set. """ ws = self.__call__(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) return random.choice(ws)
[docs] def prob(self, edata, curr_cands = None): """ Return a dictionary representing the even-chance tiebreaking for the voting method. """ ws = self.__call__(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) return {c: 1.0 / len(ws) if c in ws else 0.0 for c in edata.candidates}
[docs] def display(self, edata, curr_cands = None, cmap = None, **kwargs): """ Display the winning set of candidates. """ cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else edata.cmap ws = self.__call__(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, **kwargs) if ws is None: # some voting methods, such as ``ranked_pairs_with_test``, may return None if it is taking long to compute the winner. print(f"{} winning set is not available") else: w_str = f"{} winner is " if len(ws) == 1 else f"{} winners are " print(w_str + "{" + ", ".join([str(cmap[c]) for c in ws]) + "}")
[docs] def set_name(self, new_name): """Set the name of the voting method.""" = new_name
def __str__(self): return f"{}"
[docs] def vm(name=None, properties=None, input_types=None, skip_registration=False): """ A decorator used when creating a voting method. """ def wrapper(f): return VotingMethod(f, name=name, properties=properties, input_types=input_types, skip_registration=skip_registration) return wrapper
@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def isin(arr, val): """compiled function testing if the value val is in the array arr """ for i in range(arr.shape[0]): if (arr[i]==val): return True return False @jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def _num_rank_first(rankings, rcounts, cands_to_ignore, cand): """The number of voters that rank candidate cand first after ignoring the candidates in cands_to_ignore Parameters ---------- rankings: 2d numpy array list of linear orderings of the candidates rcounts: 1d numpy array list of numbers of voters with the rankings cands_to_ignore: 1d numpy array list of the candidates to ignore cand: int a candidate Key assumptions: * the candidates are named 0...num_cands - 1, and c1 and c2 are numbers between 0 and num_cands - 1 * voters submit linear orders over the candidate """ num_voters = len(rankings) top_cands_indices = np.zeros(num_voters, dtype=np.int32) for vidx in range(num_voters): for level in range(0, len(rankings[vidx])): if not isin(cands_to_ignore, rankings[vidx][level]): top_cands_indices[vidx] = level break top_cands = np.array([rankings[vidx][top_cands_indices[vidx]] for vidx in range(num_voters)]) is_cand = top_cands == cand # set to 0 each candidate not equal to cand return np.sum(is_cand * rcounts) @jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def _num_rank_last(rankings, rcounts, cands_to_ignore, cand): """The number of voters that rank candidate cand last after ignoring the candidates in cands_to_ignore Parameters ---------- rankings: 2d numpy array list of linear orderings of the candidates rcounts: 1d numpy array list of numbers of voters with the rankings cands_to_ignore: 1d numpy array list of the candidates to ignore cand: int a candidate Key assumptions: * the candidates are named 0...num_cands - 1, and c1 and c2 are numbers between 0 and num_cands - 1 * voters submit linear orders over the candidate """ num_voters = len(rankings) last_cands_indices = np.zeros(num_voters, dtype=np.int32) for vidx in range(num_voters): for level in range(len(rankings[vidx]) - 1,-1,-1): if not isin(cands_to_ignore, rankings[vidx][level]): last_cands_indices[vidx] = level break bottom_cands = np.array([rankings[vidx][last_cands_indices[vidx]] for vidx in range(num_voters)]) is_cand = bottom_cands == cand return np.sum(is_cand * rcounts)