Source code for pref_voting.variable_voter_axioms

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: May 24, 2023
    Variable voter axioms 

from pref_voting.axiom import Axiom
from pref_voting.axiom_helpers import *
import numpy as np
from itertools import product, combinations, permutations
from pref_voting.helper import weak_orders
from pref_voting.rankings import Ranking

def divide_electorate(prof):
    """Given a Profile or ProfileWithTies object, yield all possible ways to divide the electorate into two nonempty electorates."""

    R, C = prof.rankings_counts

    ranges = [range(count+1) for count in C]

    # For each combination of divisions
    for division in product(*ranges):
        C1 = np.array(division)
        C2 = C - C1

        # We will filter out rankings where the count is zero
        nonzero_indices_C1 = np.nonzero(C1)[0]
        nonzero_indices_C2 = np.nonzero(C2)[0]

        # Only yield if both electorates have at least one voter
        if nonzero_indices_C1.size > 0 and nonzero_indices_C2.size > 0:

            rankings1 = R[nonzero_indices_C1].tolist()
            rankings2 = R[nonzero_indices_C2].tolist()
            counts1 = C1[nonzero_indices_C1].tolist()
            counts2 = C2[nonzero_indices_C2].tolist()

            if rankings1 <= rankings2: # This prevents yielding both prof1, prof2 and later on prof2, prof1, unless they are equal

                if isinstance(prof,Profile):
                    prof1 = Profile(rankings1, rcounts = counts1)
                    prof2 = Profile(rankings2, rcounts = counts2)
                if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies):
                    prof1 = ProfileWithTies(rankings1, rcounts = counts1)
                    prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings2, rcounts = counts2)

                    if prof.using_extended_strict_preference:
                yield prof1, prof2

def has_reinforcement_violation_with_undergeneration(prof, vm, verbose=False):
    """Returns true if there is some binary partition of the electorate such that some candidate wins in both subprofiles but not in the full profile"""
    ws = vm(prof)

    for prof1, prof2 in divide_electorate(prof):
        winners_in_both = [c for c in vm(prof1) if c in vm(prof2)]
        if len(winners_in_both) > 0:
            undergenerated = [c for c in winners_in_both if c not in ws]
            if len(undergenerated) > 0:
                if verbose:
                    print(f"Candidate {undergenerated[0]} wins in subprofiles 1 and 2 but loses in the full profile:")
                    print("Subprofile 1")
                    print("Subprofile 2")
                    print("Full profile")
                return True
    return False

def has_reinforcement_violation_with_overgeneration(prof, vm, verbose=False):
    """Returns true if there is some binary partition of the electorate such that some candidate wins in both subprofiles 
    but there is a winner in the full profile who is not among the winners in both subprofiles"""

    ws = vm(prof)

    for prof1, prof2 in divide_electorate(prof):
        winners_in_both = [c for c in vm(prof1) if c in vm(prof2)]
        if len(winners_in_both) > 0:
            overgenerated = [c for c in ws if c not in winners_in_both]
            if len(overgenerated) > 0:
                if verbose:
                    print(f"Candidate {overgenerated[0]} wins in the full profile but is not among the candidates who win in both subprofiles:")
                    print("Subprofile 1")
                    print("Subprofile 2")
                    print("Full profile")
                return True
    return False

[docs] def has_reinforcement_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False): """ Returns True if there is a binary partition of the electorate such that (i) at least one candidate wins in both subelections and either (ii) some candidate who wins in both subelections does not win in the full election or (iii) some candidate who wins in the full election does not win both subelections. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise. """ if has_reinforcement_violation_with_undergeneration(prof, vm, verbose): return True if has_reinforcement_violation_with_overgeneration(prof, vm, verbose): return True return False
[docs] def find_all_reinforcement_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False): """ Returns all violations of reinforcement for a given profile and voting method. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: Two list of triples (cand,prof1,prof2) where prof1 and prof2 partition the electorate. In the first list, (cand,prof1,prof2) indicates that cand wins in both prof1 and prof2 but loses in prof. In the second list, (cand,prof1,prof2) indicates that cand wins in prof but not in both prof1 and prof2 (and there are candidates who win in both prof1 and prof2). """ ws = vm(prof) undergenerations = list() overgenerations = list() for prof1, prof2 in divide_electorate(prof): winners_in_both = [c for c in vm(prof1) if c in vm(prof2)] if len(winners_in_both) > 0: undergenerated = [c for c in winners_in_both if c not in ws] if len(undergenerated) > 0: for c in undergenerated: undergenerations.append((c, prof1, prof2)) if verbose: print(f"Candidate {undergenerated[0]} wins in subprofiles 1 and 2 but loses in the full profile:") print("") print("Subprofile 1") prof1.display() print(prof1.description()) vm.display(prof1) print("") print("Subprofile 2") prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) vm.display(prof2) print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) vm.display(prof) print("") overgenerated = [c for c in ws if c not in winners_in_both] if len(overgenerated) > 0: for c in overgenerated: overgenerations.append((c, prof1, prof2)) if verbose: print(f"Candidate {overgenerated[0]} wins in the full profile but is not among the candidates who win in both subprofiles:") print("") print("Subprofile 1") prof1.display() print(prof1.description()) vm.display(prof1) print("") print("Subprofile 2") prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) vm.display(prof2) print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) vm.display(prof) print("") return undergenerations, overgenerations
reinforcement = Axiom( "Reinforcement", has_violation = has_reinforcement_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_reinforcement_violations, ) def _submultisets_of_fixed_cardinality(elements, multiplicities, cardinality): # Yields all sub-multisets of the given multiset with fixed cardinality. # For a closed-form expression for the number of sub-multisets of fixed cardinality, see def valid_partitions(cardinality, remaining_elements): if cardinality == 0: yield () return if not remaining_elements: return first, *rest = remaining_elements first_idx = elements.index(first) max_count = min(cardinality, multiplicities[first_idx]) for i in range(1, max_count + 1): for partition in valid_partitions(cardinality-i, rest): yield (i,) + partition for i in range(1, min(len(elements), cardinality) + 1): for subset in combinations(elements, i): for partition in valid_partitions(cardinality, subset): if len(partition) == len(subset): yield (subset, partition)
[docs] def has_positive_involvement_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal", coalition_size = 1, uniform_coalition = True, require_resoluteness = False, require_uniquely_weighted = False, check_probabilities = False): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns True if removing some voter (or voters if coalition_size > 1) who ranked a losing candidate A in first place causes A to win, witnessing a violation of positive involvement. If uniform_coalition = True, then only coalitions of voters with the same ranking are considered. If require_resoluteness = True, then only profiles with a unique winner are considered. If require_uniquely_weighted = True, then only uniquely-weighted profiles are considered. If check_probabilities = True, the function also checks whether removing the voters who ranked A in first-place causes A's probability of winning to increase (in the case of a tie broken by even-chance tiebreaking). Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise.""" winners = vm(prof) losers = [c for c in prof.candidates if c not in winners] if require_resoluteness and len(winners) > 1: return False if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof.is_uniquely_weighted(): return False if violation_type == "Removal": if uniform_coalition: for loser in losers: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == loser and prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: rankings = prof.rankings for i in range(coalition_size): rankings.remove(r) # remove coalition_size-many tokens of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if loser in winners2: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if coalition_size == 1: print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") else: print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing {coalition_size} voters with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"Profile with voter removed:") else: print(f"Profile with {coalition_size} voters removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True if check_probabilities: for winner in winners: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == winner and prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: rankings = prof.rankings for i in range(coalition_size): rankings.remove(r) # remove coalition_size-many tokens of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if winner in winners2 and len(winners) > len(winners2): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if coalition_size == 1: print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") else: print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing removing {coalition_size} voters with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"Profile with voter removed:") else: print(f"Profile with {coalition_size} voters removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True if not uniform_coalition: for loser in losers: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == loser] relevant_ranking_types_counts = [prof.rankings.count(r) for r in relevant_ranking_types] for coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts in _submultisets_of_fixed_cardinality(relevant_ranking_types,relevant_ranking_types_counts,coalition_size): rankings = prof.rankings for r_idx, r in enumerate(coalition_rankings): for i in range(coalition_rankings_counts[r_idx]): rankings.remove(r) if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if loser in winners2: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing a {coalition_size}-voter coalition with the rankings {[str(r) for r in coalition_rankings]} and counts {coalition_rankings_counts}:") print("") print("Full profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print(f"Profile with coalition removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True if check_probabilities: for winner in winners: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == winner] relevant_ranking_types_counts = [prof.rankings.count(r) for r in relevant_ranking_types] for coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts in _submultisets_of_fixed_cardinality(relevant_ranking_types,relevant_ranking_types_counts,coalition_size): rankings = prof.rankings for r_idx, r in enumerate(coalition_rankings): for i in range(coalition_rankings_counts[r_idx]): rankings.remove(r) if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if winner in winners2 and len(winners) > len(winners2): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing a {coalition_size}-voter coalition with the rankings {[str(r) for r in coalition_rankings]} and counts {coalition_rankings_counts}:") print("") print("Full profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print(f"Profile with coalition removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True return False
[docs] def find_all_positive_involvement_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal", coalition_size = 1, uniform_coalition = True, require_resoluteness = False, require_uniquely_weighted = False, check_probabilities = False): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns a list of pairs (loser, rankings, counts) such that removing the indicated rankings with the indicated counts causes the loser to win, witnessing a violation of positive involvement. If uniform_coalition = True, then only coalitions of voters with the same ranking are considered. If require_resoluteness = True, then only profiles with a unique winner are considered. If require_uniquely_weighted = True, then only uniquely-weighted profiles are considered. If check_probabilities = True, the function also checks whether removing the voters who ranked A in first-place causes A's probability of winning to increase (in the case of a tie broken by even-chance tiebreaking). Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: A List of triples (loser,rankings,counts) witnessing violations of positive involvement. .. warning:: This function is slow when uniform_coalition = False and the numbers of voters and candidates are too large. """ winners = vm(prof) losers = [c for c in prof.candidates if c not in winners] witnesses = list() if require_resoluteness and len(winners) > 1: return witnesses if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof.is_uniquely_weighted(): return witnesses if violation_type == "Removal": if uniform_coalition: for loser in losers: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == loser and prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: # for each type of ranking rankings = prof.rankings # copy the token rankings for i in range(coalition_size): rankings.remove(r) # remove coalition_size-many tokens of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if loser in winners2: witnesses.append((loser, [r], [coalition_size])) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if coalition_size == 1: print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") else: print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing {coalition_size} voters with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"Profile with voter removed:") else: print(f"Profile with {coalition_size} voters removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") if check_probabilities: for winner in winners: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == winner and prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: rankings = prof.rankings for i in range(coalition_size): rankings.remove(r) if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if winner in winners2 and len(winners) > len(winners2): witnesses.append((winner, [r], [coalition_size])) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if coalition_size == 1: print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") else: print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing {coalition_size} voters with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"Profile with voter removed:") else: print(f"Profile with {coalition_size} voters removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") if not uniform_coalition: for loser in losers: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == loser] relevant_ranking_types_counts = [prof.rankings.count(r) for r in relevant_ranking_types] for coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts in _submultisets_of_fixed_cardinality(relevant_ranking_types,relevant_ranking_types_counts,coalition_size): rankings = prof.rankings for r_idx, r in enumerate(coalition_rankings): for i in range(coalition_rankings_counts[r_idx]): rankings.remove(r) if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if loser in winners2: witnesses.append((loser, coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing a {coalition_size}-voter coalition with the rankings {[str(r) for r in coalition_rankings]} and counts {coalition_rankings_counts}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print(f"Profile with coalition removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") if check_probabilities: for winner in winners: relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if r[0] == winner] relevant_ranking_types_counts = [prof.rankings.count(r) for r in relevant_ranking_types] for coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts in _submultisets_of_fixed_cardinality(relevant_ranking_types,relevant_ranking_types_counts,coalition_size): rankings = prof.rankings for r_idx, r in enumerate(coalition_rankings): for i in range(coalition_rankings_counts[r_idx]): rankings.remove(r) if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() winners2 = vm(prof2) if require_resoluteness and len(winners2) > 1: continue if require_uniquely_weighted and not prof2.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue if winner in winners2 and len(winners) > len(winners2): witnesses.append((winner, coalition_rankings, coalition_rankings_counts)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{winner} has a higher probability of winning after removing a {coalition_size}-voter coalition with the rankings {[str(r) for r in coalition_rankings]} and counts {coalition_rankings_counts}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print(f"Profile with coalition removed:") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return witnesses
positive_involvement = Axiom( "Positive Involvement", has_violation = has_positive_involvement_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_positive_involvement_violations, )
[docs] def has_negative_involvement_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal"): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns True if removing some voter who ranked a winning candidate A in last place causes A to lose, witnessing a violation of negative involvement Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise.""" winners = vm(prof) if violation_type == "Removal": for winner in winners: for r in prof.ranking_types: # for each type of ranking if r[-1] == winner: rankings = prof.rankings rankings.remove(r) # remove the first token of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() if winner not in vm(prof2): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{winner} wins in the full profile, but {winner} is a loser after removing a voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print("Profile with voter removed") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True
[docs] def find_all_negative_involvement_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal"): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns a list of pairs (winner,ranking) such that removing a voter with the given ranking causes the winner to lose, witnessing a violation of negative involvement. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: A List of pairs (winner, ranking) witnessing violations of negative involvement.""" winners = vm(prof) witnesses = list() if violation_type == "Removal": for winner in winners: for r in prof.ranking_types: # for each type of ranking if r[-1] == winner: rankings = prof.rankings rankings.remove(r) # remove the first token of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): prof2 = Profile(rankings) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof2 = ProfileWithTies(rankings, candidates = prof.candidates) if prof.using_extended_strict_preference: prof2.use_extended_strict_preference() if winner not in vm(prof2): witnesses.append((winner, r)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{winner} wins in the full profile, but {winner} is a loser after removing a voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print("Profile with voter removed") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return witnesses
negative_involvement = Axiom( "Negative Involvement", has_violation = has_negative_involvement_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_negative_involvement_violations, )
[docs] def has_tolerant_positive_involvement_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal"): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns True if it is possible to cause a loser A to win by removing some voter who ranked A above every candidate B such that A is not majority preferred to B, witnessing a violation of tolerant positive involvement. ..note: A strengthening of positive involvement, introduced in Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise.""" winners = vm(prof) losers = [c for c in prof.candidates if c not in winners] if violation_type == "Removal": for loser in losers: for r in prof.rankings_types: # for each type of ranking rl = list(r) tolerant_ballot = True # check whether the loser is ranked above every candiddate c such that the loser is not majority preferred to c for c in prof.candidates: if not prof.majority_prefers(loser, c): if rl.index(c) < rl.index(loser): tolerant_ballot = False break if tolerant_ballot: rankings = prof.rankings rankings.remove(r) # remove the first token of the type of ranking prof2 = Profile(rankings) if loser in vm(prof2): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing a voter with the ranking {rl}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print("Profile with voter removed") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return True
[docs] def find_all_tolerant_positive_involvement_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False, violation_type="Removal"): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns a list of pairs (loser,ranking) such that removing a voter with the given ranking causes the loser to win, witnessing a violation of tolerant positive involvement. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: A List of pairs (loser,ranking) witnessing violations of positive involvement.""" winners = vm(prof) losers = [c for c in prof.candidates if c not in winners] witnesses = list() if violation_type == "Removal": for loser in losers: for r in prof.ranking_types: # for each type of ranking rl = list(r) tolerant_ballot = True # check whether the loser is ranked above every candiddate c such that the loser is not majority preferred to c for c in prof.candidates: if not prof.majority_prefers(loser, c): if rl.index(c) < rl.index(loser): tolerant_ballot = False break if tolerant_ballot: rankings = prof.rankings rankings.remove(r) # remove the first token of the type of ranking prof2 = Profile(rankings) if loser in vm(prof2): witnesses.append((loser, r)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() print(f"{loser} loses in the full profile, but {loser} is a winner after removing a voter with the ranking {str(r)}:") print("") print("Full profile") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("") print("Profile with voter removed") prof2 = prof2.anonymize() prof2.display() print(prof2.description()) prof2.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof2) print("") return witnesses
tolerant_positive_involvement = Axiom( "Tolerant Positive Involvement", has_violation = has_tolerant_positive_involvement_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_tolerant_positive_involvement_violations, )
[docs] def has_bullet_vote_positive_involvement_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False, coalition_size = 1, require_resoluteness = False, require_uniquely_weighted = False, check_probabilities = False): """ Returns True if it is possible to cause a winner A to lose by adding coalition_size-many new voters who bullet vote for A. If require_resoluteness = True, then only profiles with a unique winner are considered. If require_uniquely_weighted = True, then only uniquely-weighted profiles are considered. If check_probabilities = True, then the function also checks whether adding coalition_size-many new voters who bullet vote for A causes A's probability of winning to decrease (in the case of a tie broken by even-chance tiebreaking). Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise.""" if require_uniquely_weighted == True and not prof.is_uniquely_weighted(): return False ws = vm(prof) if require_resoluteness == True and len(ws) > 1: return False for w in ws: new_prof = ProfileWithTies([{c:c_indx+1 for c_indx, c in enumerate(r)} for r in prof.rankings] + [{w:1}] * coalition_size, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_mg = new_prof.margin_graph() if require_uniquely_weighted == True and not new_mg.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue new_ws = vm(new_prof) if require_resoluteness == True and len(new_ws) > 1: continue if w not in new_ws: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Bullet Vote Positive Involvement for {}") print("Original profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("New profile:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) new_prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(new_prof) print("") return True if check_probabilities and len(new_ws) > len(ws): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Probabilistic Bullet Vote Positive Involvement for {}") print("Original profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("New profile:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) new_prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(new_prof) print("") return True return False
[docs] def find_all_bullet_vote_positive_involvement_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False, coalition_size = 1, require_resoluteness = False, require_uniquely_weighted = False, check_probabilities = False): """ Returns a list of candidates who win in the given profile but lose after adding coalition_size-many new voters who bullet vote for them. If require_resoluteness = True, then only profiles with a unique winner are considered. If require_uniquely_weighted = True, then only uniquely-weighted profiles are considered. If check_probabilities = True, then the function also checks whether adding coalition_size-many new voters who bullet vote for A causes A's probability of winning to decrease (in the case of a tie broken by even-chance tiebreaking). Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: A List of candidates who win in the given profile but lose after adding coalition_size-many new voters who bullet vote for them. """ if require_uniquely_weighted == True and not prof.is_uniquely_weighted(): return False ws = vm(prof) if require_resoluteness == True and len(ws) > 1: return False violations = list() for w in ws: new_prof = ProfileWithTies([{c:c_indx+1 for c_indx, c in enumerate(r)} for r in prof.rankings] + [{w:1}] * coalition_size, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_mg = new_prof.margin_graph() if require_uniquely_weighted == True and not new_mg.is_uniquely_weighted(): continue new_ws = vm(new_prof) if require_resoluteness == True and len(new_ws) > 1: continue if w not in new_ws: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Bullet Vote Positive Involvement for {}") print("Original profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("New profile:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) new_prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(new_prof) print("") violations.append(w) if check_probabilities and len(new_ws) > len(ws): if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Probabilistic Bullet Vote Positive Involvement for {}") print("Original profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(prof) print("New profile:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) new_prof.display_margin_graph() vm.display(new_prof) print("") violations.append(w) return violations
bullet_vote_positive_involvement = Axiom( "Bullet Vote Positive Involvement", has_violation = has_bullet_vote_positive_involvement_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_bullet_vote_positive_involvement_violations, )
[docs] def has_participation_violation(prof, vm, verbose = False, violation_type = "Removal", coalition_size = 1, uniform_coalition = True, set_preference = "single-winner"): """ If violation_type = "Removal", returns True if removing some voter(s) from prof changes the vm winning set such that the (each) voter prefers the new winner(s) to the original winner(s), according to the set_preference relation. If violation_type = "Addition", returns True if adding some voter(s) from prof changes the vm winning set such that the (each) voter prefers the original winner(s) to the new winner(s), according to the set_preference relation. If coalition_size > 1, checks for a violation involving a coalition of voters acting together. If uniform_coalition = True, all voters in the coalition must have the same ranking. If set_preference = "single-winner", a voter prefers a set A of candidates to a set B of candidates if A and B are singletons and the voter ranks the candidate in A above the candidate in B. If set_preference = "weak-dominance", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, all candidates in A are weakly above all candidates in B and some candidate in A is strictly above some candidate in B. If set_preference = "optimist", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, their favorite from A is above their favorite from B. If set_preference = "pessimist", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, their least favorite from A is above their least favorite from B. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" coalition_size: default is 1 uniform_coalition: default is True set_preference: default is "single-winner". Other options are "weak-dominance", "optimist", and "pessimist". Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise. """ winners = vm(prof) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof.use_extended_strict_preference() found_manipulator = False ranking_types = prof.ranking_types ws = vm(prof) if set_preference == "single-winner": if len(ws) > 1: return False if uniform_coalition: if violation_type == "Removal": relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: if not found_manipulator: ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): ranking_tokens.remove(r) # remove coalition_size-many tokens of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): new_prof = Profile(ranking_tokens) new_ws = vm(new_prof) old_winner_to_compare = None new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: old_winner_to_compare = ws[0] new_winner_to_compare = new_ws[0] elif set_preference == "weak-dominance": r_as_ranking = Ranking({c: i for i, c in enumerate(r)}) elif set_preference == "optimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in ws][0] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in new_ws][0] elif set_preference == "pessimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in ws][-1] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in new_ws][-1] if old_winner_to_compare is not None and r.index(old_winner_to_compare) > r.index(new_winner_to_compare) or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r_as_ranking.weak_dom(new_ws,ws)): found_manipulator = True if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A voter with the ranking {r} can benefit by abstaining.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} voters with the ranking {r} can benefit by jointly abstaining.") print("") print("Original Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") if coalition_size == 1: print("Profile if the voter abstains:") else: print("Profile if the voters abstain:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): r_dict = r.rmap new_prof = ProfileWithTies(ranking_tokens, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_ws = vm(new_prof) ranked_old_winners = [c for c in ws if c in r_dict.keys()] ranked_new_winners = [c for c in new_ws if c in r_dict.keys()] rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = None rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = r_dict[ws[0]] if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = r_dict[new_ws[0]] if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "optimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = min([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = min([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "pessimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = max([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners == ws else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = max([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners == new_ws else math.inf if rank_of_old_winner_to_compare is not None and rank_of_old_winner_to_compare > rank_of_new_winner_to_compare or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r.weak_dom(new_ws,ws,use_extended_preferences=True)): found_manipulator = True if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A voter with the ranking {r} can benefit by abstaining.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} voters with the ranking {r} can benefit by jointly abstaining.") print("") print("Original Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") if coalition_size == 1: print("Profile if the voter abstains:") else: print("Profile if the voters abstain:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() if violation_type == "Addition": if isinstance(prof,Profile): for new_r in permutations(prof.candidates): if not found_manipulator: new_ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): new_ranking_tokens.append(new_r) new_prof = Profile(new_ranking_tokens) new_ws = vm(new_prof) old_winner_to_compare = None new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: old_winner_to_compare = ws[0] new_winner_to_compare = new_ws[0] elif set_preference == "weak-dominance": new_r_as_ranking = Ranking({c: i for i, c in enumerate(new_r)}) elif set_preference == "optimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in ws][0] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in new_ws][0] elif set_preference == "pessimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in ws][-1] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in new_ws][-1] if old_winner_to_compare is not None and new_r.index(old_winner_to_compare) < new_r.index(new_winner_to_compare) or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and new_r_as_ranking.weak_dom(ws,new_ws)): found_manipulator = True if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A new voter who joins with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had abstained.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} new voters who join with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had jointly abstained.") print("") print("Original Profile without voter(s):") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") print("New Profile with voter(s) added:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): for _new_r in weak_orders(prof.candidates): new_r = Ranking(_new_r) new_r_dict = new_r.rmap if not found_manipulator: new_ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): new_ranking_tokens.append(new_r) new_prof = ProfileWithTies(new_ranking_tokens, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_ws = vm(new_prof) ranked_old_winners = [c for c in ws if c in new_r_dict.keys()] ranked_new_winners = [c for c in new_ws if c in new_r_dict.keys()] rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = None rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = new_r_dict[ws[0]] if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = new_r_dict[new_ws[0]] if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "optimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = min([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = min([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "pessimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = max([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners == ws else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = max([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners == new_ws else math.inf if rank_of_old_winner_to_compare is not None and rank_of_old_winner_to_compare < rank_of_new_winner_to_compare or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r.weak_dom(ws,new_ws,use_extended_preferences=True)): found_manipulator = True if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A new voter who joins with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had abstained.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} new voters who join with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had jointly abstained.") print("") print("Original Profile without voter(s):") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") print("New Profile with voter(s) added:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() return found_manipulator
[docs] def find_all_participation_violations(prof, vm, verbose = False, violation_type = "Removal", coalition_size = 1, uniform_coalition = True, set_preference = "single-winner"): """ Returns a list of tuples (preferred_winners, dispreferred_winners, ranking) witnessing violations of participation. If violation_type = "Removal", returns a list of tuples (preferred_winners, dispreferred_winners, ranking) such that removing coalition_size-many voters with the given ranking changes the winning set from the preferred_winners to the dispreferred_winners, according to the set_preference relation. If violation_type = "Addition", returns a list of tuples (preferred_winners, dispreferred_winners, ranking) such that adding coalition_size-many voters with the given ranking changes the winning set from the preferred_winners to the dispreferred_winners, according to the set_preference relation. If coalition_size > 1, checks for a violation involving a coalition of voters acting together. If uniform_coalition = True, all voters in the coalition must have the same ranking. If set_preference = "single-winner", a voter prefers a set A of candidates to a set B of candidates if A and B are singletons and the voter ranks the candidate in A above the candidate in B. If set_preference = "weak-dominance", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, all candidates in A are weakly above all candidates in B and some candidate in A is strictly above some candidate in B. If set_preference = "optimist", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, their favorite from A is above their favorite from B. If set_preference = "pessimist", a voter prefers a set A to a set B if in their sincere ranking, their least favorite from A is above their least favorite from B. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. violation_type: default is "Removal" coalition_size: default is 1 uniform_coalition: default is True set_preference: default is "single-winner". Other options are "weak-dominance", "optimist", and "pessimist". Returns: A List of tuples (preferred_winners, dispreferred_winners, ranking) witnessing violations of participation. """ violations = list() winners = vm(prof) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof.use_extended_strict_preference() ranking_types = prof.ranking_types ws = vm(prof) if set_preference == "single-winner": if len(ws) > 1: return False if uniform_coalition: if violation_type == "Removal": relevant_ranking_types = [r for r in prof.ranking_types if prof.rankings.count(r) >= coalition_size] for r in relevant_ranking_types: ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): ranking_tokens.remove(r) # remove coalition_size-many tokens of the type of ranking if isinstance(prof,Profile): new_prof = Profile(ranking_tokens) new_ws = vm(new_prof) old_winner_to_compare = None new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: old_winner_to_compare = ws[0] new_winner_to_compare = new_ws[0] elif set_preference == "weak-dominance": r_as_ranking = Ranking({c: i for i, c in enumerate(r)}) elif set_preference == "optimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in ws][0] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in new_ws][0] elif set_preference == "pessimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in ws][-1] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in r if cand in new_ws][-1] if old_winner_to_compare is not None and r.index(old_winner_to_compare) > r.index(new_winner_to_compare) or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r_as_ranking.weak_dom(new_ws,ws)): violations.append((ws, new_ws, r)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A voter with the ranking {r} can benefit by abstaining.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} voters with the ranking {r} can benefit by jointly abstaining.") print("") print("Original Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") if coalition_size == 1: print("Profile if the voter abstains:") else: print("Profile if the voters abstain:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): r_dict = r.rmap new_prof = ProfileWithTies(ranking_tokens, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_ws = vm(new_prof) ranked_old_winners = [c for c in ws if c in r_dict.keys()] ranked_new_winners = [c for c in new_ws if c in r_dict.keys()] rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = None rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = r_dict[ws[0]] if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = r_dict[new_ws[0]] if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "optimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = min([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = min([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "pessimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = max([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners == ws else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = max([r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners == new_ws else math.inf if rank_of_old_winner_to_compare is not None and rank_of_old_winner_to_compare > rank_of_new_winner_to_compare or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r.weak_dom(new_ws,ws,use_extended_preferences=True)): violations.append((ws, new_ws, r_dict)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A voter with the ranking {r} can benefit by abstaining.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} voters with the ranking {r} can benefit by jointly abstaining.") print("") print("Original Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") if coalition_size == 1: print("Profile if the voter abstains:") else: print("Profile if the voters abstain:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof if violation_type == "Addition": if isinstance(prof,Profile): for new_r in permutations(prof.candidates): new_ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): new_ranking_tokens.append(new_r) new_prof = Profile(new_ranking_tokens) new_ws = vm(new_prof) old_winner_to_compare = None new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: old_winner_to_compare = ws[0] new_winner_to_compare = new_ws[0] elif set_preference == "weak-dominance": new_r_as_ranking = Ranking({c: i for i, c in enumerate(new_r)}) elif set_preference == "optimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in ws][0] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in new_ws][0] elif set_preference == "pessimist": old_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in ws][-1] new_winner_to_compare = [cand for cand in new_r if cand in new_ws][-1] if old_winner_to_compare is not None and new_r.index(old_winner_to_compare) < new_r.index(new_winner_to_compare) or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and new_r_as_ranking.weak_dom(ws,new_ws)): violations.append((ws, new_ws, new_r)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A new voter who joins with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had abstained.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} new voters who join with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had jointly abstained.") print("") print("Original Profile without voter(s):") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") print("New Profile with voter(s) added:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): for _new_r in weak_orders(prof.candidates): new_r = Ranking(_new_r) new_r_dict = new_r.rmap new_ranking_tokens = [r for r in prof.rankings] for i in range(coalition_size): new_ranking_tokens.append(new_r) new_prof = ProfileWithTies(new_ranking_tokens, candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() new_ws = vm(new_prof) ranked_old_winners = [c for c in ws if c in new_r_dict.keys()] ranked_new_winners = [c for c in new_ws if c in new_r_dict.keys()] rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = None rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = None if set_preference == "single-winner" and len(new_ws) == 1: rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = new_r_dict[ws[0]] if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = new_r_dict[new_ws[0]] if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "optimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = min([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = min([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners else math.inf elif set_preference == "pessimist": rank_of_old_winner_to_compare = max([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_old_winners]) if ranked_old_winners == ws else math.inf rank_of_new_winner_to_compare = max([new_r_dict[c] for c in ranked_new_winners]) if ranked_new_winners == new_ws else math.inf if rank_of_old_winner_to_compare is not None and rank_of_old_winner_to_compare < rank_of_new_winner_to_compare or (set_preference == "weak-dominance" and r.weak_dom(ws,new_ws,use_extended_preferences=True)): violations.append((ws, new_ws, new_r_dict)) if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() new_prof = new_prof.anonymize() print(f"Violation of Participation for {} under the {set_preference} set preference.") if coalition_size == 1: print(f"A new voter who joins with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had abstained.") else: print(f"{coalition_size} new voters who join with the ranking {new_r} will wish they had jointly abstained.") print("") print(" Original Profile without voter(s):") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") print("New Profile with voter(s) added:") new_prof.display() print(new_prof.description()) print("") vm.display(new_prof) new_prof.display_margin_graph() return violations
participation = Axiom( "Participation", has_violation = has_participation_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_participation_violations, )
[docs] def has_single_voter_resolvability_violation(prof, vm, verbose=False): """ If prof is a Profile, returns True if there are multiple vm winners in prof and for one such winner A, there is no linear ballot that can be added to prof to make A the unique winner. If prof is a ProfileWithTies, returns True if there are multiple vm winners in prof and for one such winner A, there is no Ranking (allowing ties) that can be added to prof to make A the unique winner. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise. """ winners = vm(prof) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof.use_extended_strict_preference() if len(winners) > 1: for winner in winners: found_voter_to_add = False if isinstance(prof,Profile): for r in permutations(prof.candidates): new_prof = Profile(prof.rankings + [r]) if vm(new_prof) == [winner]: found_voter_to_add = True break if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): for _r in weak_orders(prof.candidates): r = Ranking(_r) new_prof = ProfileWithTies(prof.rankings + [r], candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() if vm(new_prof) == [winner]: found_voter_to_add = True break if not found_voter_to_add: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if isinstance(prof,Profile): print(f"Violation of Single-Voter Resolvability for {}: cannot make {winner} the unique winner by adding a linear ballot.") if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): print(f"Violation of Single-Voter Resolvability for {}: cannot make {winner} the unique winner by adding a Ranking.") print("") print("Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") return True return False
[docs] def find_all_single_voter_resolvability_violations(prof, vm, verbose=False): """ If prof is a Profile, returns a list of candidates who win in prof but who cannot be made the unique winner by adding a linear ballot. If prof is a ProfileWithTies, returns a list of candidates who win in prof but who cannot be made the unique winner by adding a Ranking (allowing ties). Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies object. vm (VotingMethod): A voting method to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: A List of candidates who win in the given profile but who cannot be made the unique winner by adding a ballot. """ winners = vm(prof) if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): prof.use_extended_strict_preference() violations = list() if len(winners) > 1: for winner in winners: found_voter_to_add = False if isinstance(prof,Profile): for r in permutations(prof.candidates): new_prof = Profile(prof.rankings + [r]) if vm(new_prof) == [winner]: found_voter_to_add = True break if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): for _r in weak_orders(prof.candidates): r = Ranking(_r) new_prof = ProfileWithTies(prof.rankings + [r], candidates = prof.candidates) new_prof.use_extended_strict_preference() if vm(new_prof) == [winner]: found_voter_to_add = True break if not found_voter_to_add: if verbose: prof = prof.anonymize() if isinstance(prof,Profile): print(f"Violation of Single-Voter Resolvability for {}: cannot make {winner} the unique winner by adding a linear ballot.") if isinstance(prof,ProfileWithTies): print(f"Violation of Single-Voter Resolvability for {}: cannot make {winner} the unique winner by adding a Ranking.") print("") print("Profile:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) print("") vm.display(prof) prof.display_margin_graph() print("") violations.append(winner) return violations
single_voter_resolvability = Axiom( "Single-Voter Resolvability", has_violation = has_single_voter_resolvability_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_single_voter_resolvability_violations, ) variable_voter_axioms = [ reinforcement, positive_involvement, negative_involvement, tolerant_positive_involvement, bullet_vote_positive_involvement, participation, single_voter_resolvability, ]