Source code for pref_voting.swf_axioms

    Author: Wesley H. Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: April 29, 2024
    SWF axioms 

from pref_voting.axiom import Axiom
from pref_voting.axiom_helpers import *
from itertools import permutations
from pref_voting.helper import weak_orders

[docs] def has_pareto_ranking_violation(prof,swf,verbose=False, strong_Pareto=False): """Returns True if all voters rank x above y in prof, but the SWF does not rank x above y. If verbose is True, prints the profile and the violation. If strong_Pareto is True, then a violation occurs when all voters weakly prefer x to y, some voter strictly prefers x to y, but the SWF does not rank x above y. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies swf (SocialWelfareFunction): An SWF to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise. """ social_ranking = swf(prof) for x in prof.candidates: for y in prof.candidates: if not social_ranking.extended_strict_pref(x,y): if (strong_Pareto == False and,y)==prof.num_voters) or (strong_Pareto == True and,y)> 0 and,x)==0): if verbose: print(f"Pareto ranking violation by {swf}:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) swf.display(prof) print(f"Candidate {x} Pareto dominates {y} but is not ranked above {y} by {swf}.") print() return True return False
[docs] def find_all_pareto_ranking_violations(prof,swf,verbose=False, strong_Pareto=False): """Returns a list of all pairs of candidates for which the SWF violates the Pareto ranking axiom. If verbose is True, prints the profile and the violation. If strong_Pareto is True, then a violation occurs when all voters weakly prefer x to y, some voter strictly prefers x to y, but the SWF does not rank x above y. Args: prof: a Profile or ProfileWithTies swf (SocialWelfareFunction): An SWF to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: List of violations (list): List of all pairs of candidates for which there is a violation. """ social_ranking = swf(prof) violations = [] for x in prof.candidates: for y in prof.candidates: if not social_ranking.extended_strict_pref(x,y): if (strong_Pareto == False and,y)==prof.num_voters) or (strong_Pareto == True and,y)> 0 and,x)==0): if verbose: print(f"Pareto ranking violation by {swf}:") prof.display() print(prof.description()) swf.display(prof) print(f"Candidate {x} Pareto dominates {y} but is not ranked above {y} by {swf}.") print() violations.append((x,y)) return violations
pareto_ranking = Axiom( "Pareto Ranking", has_violation = has_pareto_ranking_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_pareto_ranking_violations, )
[docs] def has_core_support_violation(prof,swf,verbose=False): """Returns True if the swf violates the "core support criterion" of for the given profile, False otherwise. If verbose is True, prints the profile and the core support violation. Args: prof: a Profile. swf (SocialWelfareFunction): An SWF to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: Result of the test (bool): Returns True if there is a violation and False otherwise. """ social_ranking = swf(prof) for x in prof.candidates: for y in prof.candidates: if social_ranking.extended_strict_pref(x,y): maj_cand_for_y = [c for c in prof.candidates if social_ranking.extended_weak_pref(c,y)] if isinstance(prof,Profile): core_support_for_x_vs_y = [r for r in prof.rankings if r.index(x) == 0 or r.index(x) < min([r.index(c) for c in maj_cand_for_y if c != x])] core_support_for_y_vs_y = [r for r in prof.rankings if r.index(y) == 0 or r.index(y) < min([r.index(c) for c in maj_cand_for_y if c != y])] core_support = core_support_for_x_vs_y + core_support_for_y_vs_y restricted_prof = Profile(core_support) if not restricted_prof.majority_prefers(x,y): if verbose: print(f"Core support violation by {swf} for {x} relative to {y}:") print(prof.anonymize()) prof.display_margin_graph() print("Social ranking:",social_ranking) print(f"Major candidates relative to {y}:",maj_cand_for_y) print(f"Profile restricted to voters in core support for {x} relative to {y} and for {y} relative to {y}:") print(restricted_prof.anonymize()) restricted_prof.display_margin_graph() return True return False
[docs] def find_all_core_support_violations(prof,swf,verbose=False): """Returns a list of all pairs of candidates for which the swf violates the "core support criterion" of for the given profile. If verbose is True, prints the profile and the core support violation. Args: prof: a Profile. swf (SocialWelfareFunction): An SWF to test. verbose (bool, default=False): If a violation is found, display the violation. Returns: List of violations (list): List of all pairs of candidates for which there is a violation. """ social_ranking = swf(prof) violations = [] for x in prof.candidates: for y in prof.candidates: if social_ranking.extended_strict_pref(x,y): maj_cand_for_y = [c for c in prof.candidates if social_ranking.extended_weak_pref(c,y)] if isinstance(prof,Profile): core_support_for_x_vs_y = [r for r in prof.rankings if r.index(x) == 0 or r.index(x) < min([r.index(c) for c in maj_cand_for_y if c != x])] core_support_for_y_vs_y = [r for r in prof.rankings if r.index(y) == 0 or r.index(y) < min([r.index(c) for c in maj_cand_for_y if c != y])] core_support = core_support_for_x_vs_y + core_support_for_y_vs_y restricted_prof = Profile(core_support) if not restricted_prof.majority_prefers(x,y): if verbose: print(f"Core support violation by {swf} for {x} relative to {y}:") print(prof.anonymize()) prof.display_margin_graph() print("Social ranking:",social_ranking) print(f"Major candidates relative to {y}:",maj_cand_for_y) print(f"Profile restricted to voters in core support for {x} relative to {y} and for {y} relative to {y}:") print(restricted_prof.anonymize()) restricted_prof.display_margin_graph() violations.append((x,y)) return violations
core_support = Axiom( "Core Support", has_violation = has_core_support_violation, find_all_violations = find_all_core_support_violations, )