Source code for pref_voting.rankings

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: January 5, 2022
    Updated: July 13, 2022
    Updated: December 19, 2022

    Functions to reason about rankings of candidates.

import copy
from tabulate import tabulate

[docs] class Ranking(object): """A ranking of a set of candidates. A ranking is a map from candidates to ranks (integers). There is no assumption that all candidates in an election are ranked. :param rmap: Dictionary in which the keys are the candidates and the values are the ranks. :type rmap: dict[int or str: int] :param cmap: Dictionary mapping candidates (keys of the ``rmap``) to candidate names (strings). If not provided, each candidate is mapped to itself. :type cmap: dict[int: str], optional :Example: The following code creates three rankings: 1. ``rank1`` is the ranking where 0 is ranked first, 2 is ranked in second-place, and 1 is ranked last. 2. ``rank2`` is the ranking where 0 and 1 are tied for first place, and 2 is ranked last. 3. ``rank3`` is the ranking where 0 is ranked first, and 2 is ranked in last place. .. code-block:: python rank1 = Ranking({0:1, 1:3, 2:2}) rank2 = Ranking({0:1, 1:1, 2:2}) rank3 = Ranking({0:1, 2:3}) .. important:: The numerical value of the ranks do not mean anything. They are only used to make ordinal comparisons. For instance, each of the following represents the same ranking: 0 is ranked first, 2 is ranked second, and 1 is ranked in last place. .. code-block:: python rank1 = Ranking({0:1, 1:3, 2:2}) rank2 = Ranking({0:1, 1:10, 2:3}) rank3 = Ranking({0:10, 1:100, 2:30}) """ def __init__(self, rmap, cmap=None): """Constructor method""" self.rmap = rmap self.cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else {c: str(c) for c in rmap.keys()} @property def ranks(self): """Returns a sorted list of the ranks.""" return sorted(set(self.rmap.values())) @property def cands(self): """Returns a sorted list of the candidates that are ranked.""" return sorted(list(self.rmap.keys()))
[docs] def cands_at_rank(self, r): """Returns a list of the candidates that are assigned the rank ``r``.""" return [c for c in self.rmap.keys() if self.rmap[c] == r]
[docs] def is_ranked(self, c): """Returns True if the candidate ``c`` is ranked.""" return c in self.rmap.keys()
[docs] def strict_pref(self, c1, c2): """Returns True if ``c1`` is strictly preferred to ``c2``. The return value is True when both ``c1`` and ``c2`` are ranked and the rank of ``c1`` is strictly smaller than the rank of ``c2``. """ return (self.is_ranked(c1) and self.is_ranked(c2)) and self.rmap[ c1 ] < self.rmap[c2]
[docs] def extended_strict_pref(self, c1, c2): """Returns True when either ``c1`` is ranked and ``c2`` is not ranked or the rank of ``c1`` is strictly smaller than the rank of ``c2``.""" return (self.is_ranked(c1) and not self.is_ranked(c2)) or ( (self.is_ranked(c1) and self.is_ranked(c2)) and self.rmap[c1] < self.rmap[c2] )
[docs] def indiff(self, c1, c2): """Returns True if ``c1`` and ``c2`` are tied. The return value is True when both ``c1`` and ``c2`` are ranked and the rank of ``c1`` equals the rank of ``c2``. """ return ( self.is_ranked(c1) and self.is_ranked(c2) and self.rmap[c1] == self.rmap[c2] )
[docs] def extended_indiff(self, c1, c2): """Returns True when either both ``c1`` and ``c2`` are not ranked or the rank of ``c1`` equals the rank of ``c2``.""" return (not self.is_ranked(c1) and not self.is_ranked(c2)) or ( self.is_ranked(c1) and self.is_ranked(c2) and self.rmap[c1] == self.rmap[c2] )
[docs] def weak_pref(self, c1, c2): """Returns True if ``c1`` is weakly preferred to ``c2``. The return value is True if either ``c1`` is tied with ``c2`` or ``c1`` is strictly preferred to ``c2``. """ return self.strict_pref(c1, c2) or self.indiff(c1, c2)
[docs] def extended_weak_pref(self, c1, c2): """Returns True when either ``c1`` and ``c2`` are in the relation of extended indifference or ``c1`` is extended strictly preferred to ``c2``.""" return self.extended_strict_pref(c1, c2) or self.extended_indiff(c1, c2)
[docs] def remove_cand(self, a): """Returns a Ranking with the candidate ``a`` removed.""" new_rmap = {c: self.rmap[c] for c in self.rmap.keys() if c != a} new_cmap = {c: self.cmap[c] for c in self.cmap.keys() if c != a} return Ranking(new_rmap, cmap=new_cmap)
[docs] def first(self, cs=None): """Returns the list of candidates from ``cs`` that have the highest ranking. If ``cs`` is None, then use all the ranked candidates.""" _ranks = list(self.rmap.values()) if cs is None else [self.rmap[c] for c in cs if c in self.rmap.keys()] _cands = list(self.rmap.keys()) if cs is None else cs min_rank = min(_ranks) if len(_ranks) > 0 else None return sorted([c for c in _cands if c in self.rmap.keys() and self.rmap[c] == min_rank])
[docs] def last(self, cs=None): """Returns the list of candidates from ``cs`` that have the worst ranking. If ``cs`` is None, then use all the ranked candidates.""" _ranks = list(self.rmap.values()) if cs is None else [self.rmap[c] for c in cs if c in self.rmap.keys()] _cands = list(self.rmap.keys()) if cs is None else cs max_rank = max(_ranks) if len(_ranks) > 0 else None return sorted([c for c in _cands if c in self.rmap.keys() and self.rmap[c] == max_rank])
[docs] def is_empty(self): """Return True when the ranking is empty.""" return len(self.rmap.keys()) == 0
[docs] def has_tie(self): """Return True when the ranking has a tie.""" return len(list(set(self.rmap.values()))) != len(list(self.rmap.values()))
[docs] def is_linear(self, num_cands): """Return True when the ranking is a linear order of ``num_cands`` candidates. """ return not self.has_tie() and len(self.rmap.keys()) == num_cands
[docs] def to_linear(self): """ If the ranking has no ties, return a tuple representing the ranking; otherwise, return None. """ if self.has_tie(): return None else: return tuple([c for c, r in sorted(self.rmap.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])])
[docs] def is_truncated_linear(self, num_cands): """Return True when the ranking is a truncated linear order, so it is linear but ranks fewer than ``num_cands`` candidates. """ return not self.has_tie() and len(self.rmap.keys()) < num_cands
[docs] def has_skipped_rank(self): """Returns True when a rank is skipped.""" return len(self.ranks) != 0 and self.ranks != list(range(1, len(self.ranks) + 1))
[docs] def has_overvote(self): """ Return True if the voter submitted an overvote (a ranking with a tie). """ return self.has_tie()
[docs] def truncate_overvote(self): """ Truncate the ranking at an overvote. """ new_rmap = dict() for r in self.ranks: cands_at_rank = self.cands_at_rank(r) if len(cands_at_rank) == 1: new_rmap[cands_at_rank[0]] = r elif len(cands_at_rank) > 1: break self.rmap = new_rmap
[docs] def normalize_ranks(self): """Change the ranks so that they start with 1, and the next rank is the next integer after the previous rank. :Example: .. exec_code:: python from pref_voting.profiles_with_ties import Ranking r = Ranking({0:1, 1:3, 2:2}) print(r.rmap) r.normalize_ranks() print("After normalizing: ", r.rmap) r = Ranking({0:1, 1:10, 2:3}) print(r.rmap) r.normalize_ranks() print("After normalizing: ", r.rmap) r = Ranking({0:-100, 1:123, 2:0}) print(r.rmap) r.normalize_ranks() print("After normalizing: ", r.rmap) r = Ranking({0:10, 1:10, 2:100}) print(r.rmap) r.normalize_ranks() print("After normalizing: ", r.rmap) """ self.rmap = {c: self.ranks.index(r) + 1 for c, r in self.rmap.items()}
## set preferences
[docs] def AAdom(self, c1s, c2s, use_extended_preferences=False): """ Returns True if every candidate in ``c1s`` is weakly preferred to every candidate in ``c2s``. If ``use_extended_preferences`` is True, then use the extended weak preference. """ weak_pref = ( self.extended_weak_pref if use_extended_preferences else self.weak_pref ) return all([all([weak_pref(c1, c2) for c2 in c2s]) for c1 in c1s])
[docs] def strong_dom(self, c1s, c2s, use_extended_preferences=False): """ Returns True if ``AAdom(c1s, c2s)`` and there is some candidate in ``c1s`` that is strictly preferred to every candidate in ``c2s``. If ``use_extended_preferences`` is True, then use the extended preferences. """ strict_pref = ( self.extended_strict_pref if use_extended_preferences else self.strict_pref ) return self.AAdom( c1s, c2s, use_extended_preferences=use_extended_preferences ) and any([all([strict_pref(c1, c2) for c2 in c2s]) for c1 in c1s])
[docs] def weak_dom(self, c1s, c2s, use_extended_preferences=False): """ Returns True if ``AAdom(c1s, c2s)`` and there is some candidate in ``c1s`` that is strictly preferred to some candidate in ``c2s``. If ``use_extended_preferences`` is True, then use the extended preferences. """ strict_pref = ( self.extended_strict_pref if use_extended_preferences else self.strict_pref ) return self.AAdom( c1s, c2s, use_extended_preferences=use_extended_preferences ) and any([any([strict_pref(c1, c2) for c2 in c2s]) for c1 in c1s])
[docs] def to_indiff_list(self): """ Returns the ranking as a tuple of indifference classes (represented as a tuple). """ return tuple([tuple(self.cands_at_rank(r)) for r in self.ranks])
[docs] def display(self, cmap = None): """ Display the ranking vertically as a column of a table. :Example: .. exec_code:: python from pref_voting.profiles_with_ties import Ranking r = Ranking({0:2, 1:1, 2:3}) print(r) r.display() print() r = Ranking({0:1, 1:1, 2:3}) print(r) r.display() print() r = Ranking({0:1, 2:3}) print(r) r.display() """ cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else self.cmap _r = copy.deepcopy(self) _r.normalize_ranks() print( tabulate([[" ".join([ str(self.cmap[c]) for c in _r.cands_at_rank(rank)])] for rank in _r.ranks], tablefmt="pretty") )
def __str__(self): """ Display the ranking as a string. """ r_str = "" for r in self.ranks: cands_at_rank = self.cands_at_rank(r) if len(cands_at_rank) == 1: r_str += str(self.cmap[cands_at_rank[0]]) + " " else: r_str += "( " + " ".join(map(lambda c: str(self.cmap[c]) + " ", cands_at_rank)) + ") " return r_str def __getitem__(self, r): """Returns the item at rank r + 1 if it is unique, otherwise return the list of items at rank r+1. Raises an exception if there is no item at rank r+1.""" normalized_ranks = {c: self.ranks.index(r) + 1 for c, r in self.rmap.items()} ranks = sorted(list(set(normalized_ranks.values()))) assert r < len(ranks), "There is no item at rank " + str(r + 1) cands_at_rank = [c for c,crank in normalized_ranks.items() if crank == ranks[r]] return cands_at_rank[0] if len(cands_at_rank) == 1 else cands_at_rank def __eq__(self, other): """ Returns True if the rankings are the same. :Example: .. exec_code:: python from pref_voting.profiles_with_ties import Ranking r = Ranking({1:2, 2:3}) r2 = Ranking({1:1, 2:2}) r3 = Ranking({1:1}) print(r == r2) # True print(r == r3) # False """ self_ranks = self.ranks other_ranks = other.ranks if len(self_ranks) != len(other_ranks): return False for self_rank, other_rank in zip(self_ranks, other_ranks): if set(self.cands_at_rank(self_rank)) != set(other.cands_at_rank(other_rank)): return False return True
def break_ties_alphabetically(ranking): """Break ties in the ranking alphabetically. Args: ranking (Ranking): A ranking object Returns: A ranking object """ candidates = ranking.cands new_ranking_dict = {} n = 0 level = 0 while n < len(candidates): sorted_cands_at_rank = ranking.cands_at_rank(level) for c in sorted_cands_at_rank: new_ranking_dict[c] = n n += 1 level += 1 return Ranking(new_ranking_dict)