Source code for pref_voting.profiles

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: December 7, 2020
    Updated: January 5, 2022
    Updated: July 9, 2022
    Functions to reason about profiles of linear orders.

from math import ceil
import numpy as np
from numba import jit  
import networkx as nx
from tabulate import tabulate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MajorityGraph, MarginGraph, SupportGraph
from pref_voting.voting_method import _num_rank_first
import os

# turn off future warnings.
# getting the following warning when calling tabulate to display a profile: 
# /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
#  if headers == "keys" and not rows:
# see
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

# #######
# Internal compiled functions to optimize reasoning with profiles
# #######

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def isin(arr, val):
    """optimized function testing if the value val is in the array arr
    for i in range(arr.shape[0]):
        if (arr[i]==val):
            return True
    return False

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _support(ranks, rcounts, c1, c2):
    """The number of voters that rank candidate c1 over candidate c2
    rankings:  2d numpy array
        list of linear orderings of the candidates  
    rcounts:   1d numpy array
        list of number of voters for each ranking
    c1: int
        a candidate
    c2: int
        a candidate. 
    Key assumptions: 
        * the candidates are named 0...num_cands - 1, and c1 and c2 are 
          numbers between 0 and num_cands - 1
        * voters submit linear orders over the candidate        
    diffs = ranks[0:,c1] - ranks[0:,c2] # for each voter, the difference of the ranks of c1 and c2
    diffs[diffs > 0] = 0 # c1 is ranked below c2  
    diffs[diffs < 0] = 1 # c1 is ranked above c2 
    num_rank_c1_over_c2 = np.multiply(diffs, rcounts) # mutliply by the number of each ranking
    return np.sum(num_rank_c1_over_c2)

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _margin(tally, c1, c2): 
    """The margin of c1 over c2: the number of voters that rank c1 over c2 minus 
    the number of voters that rank c2 over c1
    tally:  2d numpy array
        the support for each pair of candidates  
    return tally[c1][c2] - tally[c2][c1]

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _num_rank(rankings, rcounts, cand, level):
    """The number of voters that rank cand at level 

    rankings:  2d numpy array
        list of linear orderings of the candidates  
    rcounts:   1d numpy array
        list of number of voters for each ranking
    cands_at_level =  rankings[0:,level-1] # get all the candidates at level
    is_cand = cands_at_level == cand # set to 0 each candidate not equal to cand
    return np.sum(is_cand * rcounts) 

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _borda_score(rankings, rcounts, num_cands, cand):
    """The Borda score for cand 

    rankings:  2d numpy array
        list of linear orderings of the candidates  
    rcounts:   1d numpy array
        list of number of voters for each ranking
    bscores = np.arange(num_cands)[::-1]
    levels = np.arange(1,num_cands+1)
    num_ranks = np.array([_num_rank(rankings, rcounts, cand, level) for level in levels])
    return  np.sum(num_ranks * bscores)

@jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True)
def _find_updated_profile(rankings, cands_to_ignore, num_cands):
    """Optimized method to remove all candidates from cands_to_ignore
    from a list of rankings. 
    rankings:  2d numpy array
        list of linear orderings of the candidates  
    cands_to_ignore:  1d numpy array
        list of candidates to ignore
    num_cands: int 
        the number of candidates in the original profile
    updated_cand_num = num_cands - cands_to_ignore.shape[0]
    updated_prof_ranks = np.empty(shape=(rankings.shape[0],updated_cand_num), dtype=np.int32)
    for vidx in range(rankings.shape[0]):
        levels_idx = np.empty(num_cands - cands_to_ignore.shape[0], dtype=np.int32)
        _r = rankings[vidx]
        _r_level = 0
        for lidx in range(0, levels_idx.shape[0]): 
            for _r_idx in range(_r_level, len(_r)):
                if not isin(cands_to_ignore, _r[_r_idx]):
                    _r_level = _r_idx + 1
        updated_prof_ranks[vidx] = np.array([_r[l] for l in levels_idx])
    return updated_prof_ranks

# #######
# Profiles
# #######

[docs] class Profile(object): r"""An anonymous profile of linear rankings of :math:`n` candidates. It is assumed that the candidates are named :math:`0, 1, \ldots, n-1` and a ranking of the candidates is a list of candidate names. For instance, the list ``[0, 2, 1]`` represents the ranking in which :math:`0` is ranked above :math:`2`, :math:`2` is ranked above :math:`1`, and :math:`0` is ranked above :math:`1`. :param rankings: List of rankings in the profile, where a ranking is a list of candidates. :type rankings: list[list[int]] :param rcounts: List of the number of voters associated with each ranking. Should be the same length as rankings. If not provided, it is assumed that 1 voters submitted each element of ``rankings``. :type rcounts: list[int], optional :param cmap: Dictionary mapping candidates (integers) to candidate names (strings). If not provided, each candidate name is mapped to itself. :type cmap: dict[int: str], optional :Example: The following code creates a profile in which 2 voters submitted the ranking ``[0, 1, 2]``, 3 voters submitted the ranking ``[1, 2, 0]``, and 1 voter submitted the ranking ``[2, 0, 1]``: .. code-block:: python prof = Profile([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]], [2, 3, 1]) .. warning:: In profiles with :math:`n` candidates, the candidates must be named using the integers :math:`0, 1, 2, \ldots, n`. So, the following will produce an error: ``Profile([[0, 1, 3]])``. """ def __init__(self, rankings, rcounts=None, cmap=None): """constructor method""" self.num_cands = len(rankings[0]) if len(rankings) > 0 else 0 """The number of candidates""" self.candidates = list(range(0, self.num_cands)) # needed for uniformity with ProfileWithTies and MarginGraph self.cindices = self.candidates self.cand_to_cindex = lambda c: c self.cindex_to_cand = lambda i: i # linear ordering of the candidates for each voter self._rankings = np.array(rankings) assert all([all([c in self.candidates for c in r]) for r in rankings]), f"The candidates must be from the set {self.candidates}." # for number of each ranking self._rcounts = np.array([1]*len(rankings)) if rcounts is None else np.array(rcounts) # for each voter, the ranks of each candidate self._ranks = np.array([[np.where(_r == c)[0][0] + 1 for c in self.candidates] for _r in self._rankings]) # 2d array where the c,d entry is the support of c over d self._tally = np.array([[_support(self._ranks, self._rcounts, c1, c2) for c2 in self.candidates] for c1 in self.candidates ]) # mapping candidates to candidate names self.cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else {c:str(c) for c in self.candidates} # total number of voters self.num_voters = np.sum(self._rcounts) """The number of voters in the election.""" self.is_truncated_linear = True """The profile is a (truncated) linear order profile. This is needed for compatability with the ProfileWithTies class. """ @property def rankings_counts(self): """ Returns the submitted rankings and the list of counts. """ return self._rankings, self._rcounts @property def ranking_types(self): """ Returns a list of all the type of rankings in the profile as a list of tuples. """ return list(set([tuple(r) for r in self._rankings])) @property def rankings(self): """ Return a list of all individual rankings in the profile. The type is a list of tuples of integers. """ return [tuple(r) for ridx,r in enumerate(self._rankings) for n in range(self._rcounts[ridx])] @property def rankings_as_indifference_list(self): """ Return a list of all individual rankings as indifference lists in the profile. An indifference list of a ranking is a tuple of tuples. Since the rankings are linear orders, an indifference list is a tuple of tuples consisting of a single candidate. The return type is a list of indifference lists. """ return [tuple([(c,) for c in r]) for ridx,r in enumerate(self._rankings) for n in range(self._rcounts[ridx])] @property def counts(self): """ Returns a list of the counts of the rankings in the profile. The type is a list of integers. """ return list(self._rcounts)
[docs] def support(self, c1, c2): """The number of voters that rank :math:`c1` above :math:`c2` :param c1: the first candidate :type c1: int :param c2: the second candidate :type c2: int :rtype: int """ return self._tally[c1][c2]
[docs] def margin(self, c1, c2): """The number of voters that rank :math:`c1` above :math:`c2` minus the number of voters that rank :math:`c2` above :math:`c1`. :param c1: the first candidate :type c1: int :param c2: the second candidate :type c2: int :rtype: int """ return _margin(self._tally, c1, c2)
[docs] def majority_prefers(self, c1, c2): """Returns true if more voters rank :math:`c1` over :math:`c2` than :math:`c2` over :math:`c1`; otherwise false. :param c1: the first candidate :type c1: int :param c2: the second candidate :type c2: int :rtype: bool """ return _margin(self._tally, c1, c2) > 0
[docs] def is_tied(self, c1, c2): """Returns True if ``c1`` tied with ``c2``. That is, the same number of voters rank ``c1`` over ``c2`` as ``c2`` over ``c1``. """ return _margin(self._tally, c1, c2) == 0
[docs] def strength_matrix(self, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ Return the strength matrix of the profile. The strength matrix is a matrix where the entry in row :math:`i` and column :math:`j` is the number of voters that rank the candidate with index :math:`i` over the candidate with index :math:`j`. If ``curr_cands`` is provided, then the strength matrix is restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands``. If ``strength_function`` is provided, then the strength matrix is computed using the strength function.""" if curr_cands is not None: cindices = [cidx for cidx, _ in enumerate(curr_cands)] cindex_to_cand = lambda cidx: curr_cands[cidx] cand_to_cindex = lambda c: cindices[curr_cands.index(c)] strength_function = self.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function strength_matrix = np.array([[strength_function(cindex_to_cand(a_idx), cindex_to_cand(b_idx)) for b_idx in cindices] for a_idx in cindices]) else: cindices = self.cindices cindex_to_cand = self.cindex_to_cand cand_to_cindex = self.cand_to_cindex strength_matrix = np.array(self.margin_matrix) if strength_function is None else np.array([[strength_function(cindex_to_cand(a_idx), cindex_to_cand(b_idx)) for b_idx in cindices] for a_idx in cindices]) return strength_matrix, cand_to_cindex
[docs] def cycles(self): """Return a list of the cycles in the profile.""" return self.margin_graph().cycles()
[docs] def num_rank(self, c, level): """The number of voters that rank candidate ``c`` at position ``level`` :param c: the candidate :type c: int :param level: the position of the candidate in the rankings :type level: int """ return _num_rank(self._rankings, self._rcounts, c, level=level)
[docs] def plurality_scores(self, curr_cands = None): """The plurality scores in the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands``. The **plurality score** for candidate :math:`c` is the number of voters that rank :math:`c` in first place. :param curr_cands: restrict attention to candidates in this list. Defaults to all candidates in the profile if not provided. :type curr_cands: list[int], optional :returns: a dictionary associating each candidate in ``curr_cands`` with its plurality score. """ rankings, rcounts = self.rankings_counts curr_cands = self.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cands_to_ignore = np.array([c for c in self.candidates if c not in curr_cands]) return {c: _num_rank_first(rankings, rcounts, cands_to_ignore, c) for c in curr_cands}
[docs] def borda_scores(self, curr_cands = None): """The Borda scores in the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands``. The **Borda score** for candidate :math:`c` is calculate as follows: the score assigned to :math:`c` by a ranking is the number of candidates ranked below :math:`c`. The Borda score is the sum of the score assigned to :math:`c` by each ranking in the ballot. :param curr_cands: restrict attention to candidates in this list. Defaults to all candidates in the profile if not provided. :type curr_cands: list[int], optional :returns: a dictionary associating each candidate in ``curr_cands`` with its Borda score. """ rankings = self._rankings if curr_cands is None else _find_updated_profile(self._rankings, np.array([c for c in self.candidates if c not in curr_cands]), len(self.candidates)) curr_cands = self.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands num_cands = len(curr_cands) return {c: _borda_score(rankings, self._rcounts, num_cands, c) for c in curr_cands}
[docs] def dominators(self, cand, curr_cands = None): """Returns the list of candidates that are majority preferred to ``cand`` in the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands``. """ candidates = self.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands return [c for c in candidates if self.majority_prefers(c, cand)]
[docs] def dominates(self, cand, curr_cands = None): """Returns the list of candidates that ``cand`` is majority preferred to in the profiles restricted to ``curr_cands``. """ candidates = self.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands return [c for c in candidates if self.majority_prefers(cand, c)]
[docs] def copeland_scores(self, curr_cands = None, scores = (1,0,-1)): """The Copeland scores in the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands``. The **Copeland score** for candidate :math:`c` is calculated as follows: :math:`c` receives ``scores[0]`` points for every candidate that :math:`c` is majority preferred to, ``scores[1]`` points for every candidate that is tied with :math:`c`, and ``scores[2]`` points for every candidate that is majority preferred to :math:`c`. The default ``scores`` is ``(1, 0, -1)``. :param curr_cands: restrict attention to candidates in this list. Defaults to all candidates in the profile if not provided. :type curr_cands: list[int], optional :param scores: the scores used to calculate the Copeland score of a candidate :math:`c`: ``scores[0]`` is for the candidates that :math:`c` is majority preferred to; ``scores[1]`` is the number of candidates tied with :math:`c`; and ``scores[2]`` is the number of candidate majority preferred to :math:`c`. The default value is ``scores = (1, 0, -1)`` :type scores: tuple[int], optional :returns: a dictionary associating each candidate in ``curr_cands`` with its Copeland score. """ wscore, tscore, lscore = scores candidates = self.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands c_scores = {c: 0.0 for c in candidates} for c1 in candidates: for c2 in candidates: if self.majority_prefers(c1, c2): c_scores[c1] += wscore elif self.majority_prefers(c2, c1): c_scores[c1] += lscore elif c1 != c2: c_scores[c1] += tscore return c_scores
[docs] def condorcet_winner(self, curr_cands = None): """Returns the Condorcet winner in the profile restricted to ``curr_cands`` if one exists, otherwise return None. The **Condorcet winner** is the candidate that is majority preferred to every other candidate. """ curr_cands = curr_cands if curr_cands is not None else self.candidates cw = None for c1 in curr_cands: if all([self.majority_prefers(c1,c2) for c2 in curr_cands if c1 != c2]): cw = c1 break # if a Condorcet winner exists, then it is unique return cw
[docs] def weak_condorcet_winner(self, curr_cands = None): """Returns a list of the weak Condorcet winners in the profile restricted to ``curr_cands`` (which may be empty). A candidate :math:`c` is a **weak Condorcet winner** if there is no other candidate that is majority preferred to :math:`c`. .. note:: While the Condorcet winner is unique if it exists, there may be multiple weak Condorcet winners. """ curr_cands = curr_cands if curr_cands is not None else self.candidates weak_cw = list() for c1 in curr_cands: if not any([self.majority_prefers(c2,c1) for c2 in curr_cands if c1 != c2]): weak_cw.append(c1) return sorted(weak_cw) if len(weak_cw) > 0 else None
[docs] def condorcet_loser(self, curr_cands = None): """Returns the Condorcet loser in the profile restricted to ``curr_cands`` if one exists, otherwise return None. A candidate :math:`c` is a **Condorcet loser** if every other candidate is majority preferred to :math:`c`. """ curr_cands = curr_cands if curr_cands is not None else self.candidates cl = None for c1 in curr_cands: if all([self.majority_prefers(c2,c1) for c2 in curr_cands if c1 != c2]): cl = c1 break # if a Condorcet loser exists, then it is unique return cl
[docs] def strict_maj_size(self): """Returns the strict majority of the number of voters. """ # return the size of strictly more than 50% of the voters return int(self.num_voters/2 + 1 if self.num_voters % 2 == 0 else int(ceil(float(self.num_voters)/2)))
[docs] def margin_graph(self): """Returns the margin graph of the profile. See :class:`.MarginGraph`. """ return MarginGraph.from_profile(self)
[docs] def support_graph(self): """Returns the margin graph of the profile. See :class:`.SupportGraph`. """ return SupportGraph.from_profile(self)
[docs] def majority_graph(self): """Returns the majority graph of the profile. See :class:`.MarginGraph`. """ return MajorityGraph.from_profile(self)
@property def margin_matrix(self): """Returns the margin matrix of the profile: A matrix where the :math:`i, j` entry is the margin of candidate :math:`i` over candidate :math:`j`. """ return [[self.margin(c1,c2) for c2 in self.candidates] for c1 in self.candidates]
[docs] def is_uniquely_weighted(self): """Returns True if the profile is uniquely weighted. A profile is **uniquely weighted** when there are no 0 margins and all the margins between any two candidates are unique. """ return MarginGraph.from_profile(self).is_uniquely_weighted()
[docs] def remove_candidates(self, cands_to_ignore): r"""Remove all candidates from ``cands_to_ignore`` from the profile. :param cands_to_ignore: list of candidates to remove from the profile :type cands_to_ignore: list[int] :returns: a profile with candidates from ``cands_to_ignore`` removed and a dictionary mapping the candidates from the new profile to the original candidate names. .. warning:: Since the candidates in a Profile must be named :math:`0, 1, \ldots, n-1` (where :math:`n` is the number of candidates), you must use the candidate map returned to by the function to recover the original candidate names. :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile prof = Profile([[0,1,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1]]) prof.display() new_prof, orig_cnames = prof.remove_candidates([1]) new_prof.display() # displaying new candidates names new_prof.display(cmap=orig_cnames) # use the original candidate names """ updated_rankings = _find_updated_profile(self._rankings, np.array(cands_to_ignore), self.num_cands) new_names = {c:cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(sorted(updated_rankings[0]))} orig_names = {v:k for k,v in new_names.items()} return Profile([[new_names[c] for c in r] for r in updated_rankings], rcounts=self._rcounts, cmap=self.cmap), orig_names
[docs] def anonymize(self): """ Return a profile which is the anonymized version of this profile. """ rankings = list() rcounts = list() for r in self.rankings: found_it = False for _ridx, _r in enumerate(rankings): if r == _r: rcounts[_ridx] += 1 found_it = True break if not found_it: rankings.append(r) rcounts.append(1) return Profile(rankings, rcounts=rcounts, cmap=self.cmap)
[docs] def to_profile_with_ties(self): """Returns the profile as a ProfileWithTies """ from pref_voting.profiles_with_ties import ProfileWithTies ranks,rcounts=self.rankings_counts return ProfileWithTies( [{c:cidx for cidx,c in enumerate(list(r))} for r in ranks], rcounts=list(rcounts), candidates = self.candidates, cmap=self.cmap)
[docs] def to_latex(self, cmap = None, curr_cands = None): """Returns a string describing the profile (restricted to ``curr_cands``) as a LaTeX table (use the provided ``cmap`` or the ``cmap`` associated with the profile). :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile prof = Profile([[0,1,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1]], [2, 3, 1]) print(prof.to_latex()) print() print(prof.to_latex(cmap={0:"a", 1:"b", 2:"c"})) """ cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else self.cmap rankings = self._rankings if curr_cands is None else _find_updated_profile(self._rankings, np.array([c for c in self.candidates if c not in curr_cands]), len(self.candidates)) cs = 'c' * len(self._rcounts) latex_str = "\\begin{tabular}{" + str(cs) + "}\n" latex_str += " & ".join([f"${rc}$" for rc in self._rcounts]) + "\\\\\hline \n" latex_str += "\\\\ \n".join([" & ".join([f"${cmap[c]}$" for c in cs]) for cs in rankings.transpose()]) latex_str += "\n\\end{tabular}" return latex_str
[docs] def display_margin_matrix(self): """Display the margin matrix using tabulate. """ print(tabulate(self.margin_matrix, tablefmt="grid"))
[docs] def display_margin_graph(self, cmap=None, curr_cands = None): """ Display the margin graph of the profile (restricted to ``curr_cands``) using the ``cmap``. See :class:`.MarginGraph`. """ cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else self.cmap MarginGraph.from_profile(self, cmap=cmap).display(curr_cands = curr_cands)
[docs] def display_margin_graph_with_defeat(self, defeat, curr_cands=None, show_undefeated=True, cmap=None): """ Display the margin graph of the profile (restricted to ``curr_cands``) with the defeat edges highlighted using the ``cmap``. See :class:`.MarginGraph`. """ MarginGraph.from_profile(self).display_with_defeat(defeat, curr_cands = curr_cands, show_undefeated = show_undefeated, cmap = cmap)
[docs] def description(self): """ Returns a string describing the profile. """ rs, cs = self.rankings_counts return f"Profile({[list(r) for r in rs]}, rcounts={[int(c) for c in cs]}, cmap={self.cmap})"
[docs] def display(self, cmap=None, style="pretty", curr_cands=None): """Display a profile (restricted to ``curr_cands``) as an ascii table (using tabulate). :param cmap: the candidate map to use (overrides the cmap associated with this profile) :type cmap: dict[int,str], optional :param style: the candidate map to use (overrides the cmap associated with this profile) :type style: str --- "pretty" or "fancy_grid" (or any other style option for tabulate) :param curr_cands: list of candidates :type curr_cands: list[int], optional :rtype: None :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile prof = Profile([[0,1,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1]], [2, 3, 1]) prof.display() prof.display(cmap={0:"a", 1:"b", 2:"c"}) """ cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else self.cmap rankings = self._rankings if curr_cands is None else _find_updated_profile(self._rankings, np.array([c for c in self.candidates if c not in curr_cands]), len(self.candidates)) print(tabulate([[cmap[c] for c in cs] for cs in rankings.transpose()], self._rcounts, tablefmt=style))
[docs] def to_preflib_instance(self): """ Returns an instance of the ``OrdinalInstance`` class from the ``preflibtools`` package. See ````. """ from import to_preflib_instance return to_preflib_instance(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_preflib( cls, instance_or_preflib_file, include_cmap=False): """ Convert an preflib OrdinalInstance or file to a Profile. See ````. """ from import preflib_to_profile return preflib_to_profile( instance_or_preflib_file, include_cmap=include_cmap, as_linear_profile=True)
[docs] def write( self, filename, file_format="preflib", csv_format="candidate_columns"): """ Write a profile to a file. See ````. """ from import write return write( self, filename, file_format=file_format, csv_format=csv_format)
[docs] @classmethod def read( cls, filename, file_format="preflib", csv_format="candidate_columns", items_to_skip=None): """ Read a profile from a file. See ````. """ from import read return read( filename, file_format=file_format, csv_format=csv_format, as_linear_profile=True, items_to_skip=items_to_skip )
def __add__(self, other_prof): """ Returns the sum of two profiles. The sum of two profiles is the profile that contains all the rankings from the first in addition to all the rankings from the second profile. It is required that the two profiles have the same candidates. Note: the cmaps of the profiles are ignored. """ assert self.candidates == other_prof.candidates, "The two profiles must have the same candidates" return Profile(np.concatenate([self._rankings, other_prof._rankings]), rcounts=np.concatenate([self._rcounts, other_prof._rcounts])) def __eq__(self, other_prof): """ Returns true if two profiles are equal. Two profiles are equal if they have the same rankings. Note that we ignore the cmaps. """ return sorted(self.rankings) == sorted(other_prof.rankings) def __str__(self): """print the profile as a table using tabulate.""" return tabulate([[self.cmap[c] for c in cs] for cs in self._rankings.transpose()], self._rcounts, tablefmt="pretty")