Source code for pref_voting.margin_based_methods

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: January 10, 2022
    Update: October 24, 2023
    Implementations of voting methods that work on both profiles and margin graphs.

from pref_voting.voting_method import  *
from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MajorityGraph, MarginGraph 
from pref_voting.probabilistic_methods import  maximal_lottery, c1_maximal_lottery
from pref_voting.helper import get_mg, SPO
import math
from itertools import product, permutations, combinations, chain
import networkx as nx

[docs] @vm(name = "Minimax") def minimax(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ The Minimax winners are the candidates with the smallest maximum pairwise loss. That is, for each candidate :math:`a`, find the biggest margin of a candidate :math:`b` over :math:`a`, then elect the candidate(s) with the smallest such loss. Also known as the Simpson-Kramer Rule. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.minimax_scores` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import minimax minimax.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import minimax prof = Profile([[3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2, 0], [1, 3, 0, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [3, 2, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3]], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) minimax.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function scores = {c: max([strength_function(_c, c) for _c in edata.dominators(c) if _c in candidates]) if any([_c in edata.dominators(c) for _c in candidates]) else 0 for c in candidates} min_score = min(scores.values()) return sorted([c for c in candidates if scores[c] == min_score])
[docs] def minimax_scores(edata, curr_cands = None, score_method="margins"): """Return the minimax scores for each candidate, where the minimax score for :math:`c` is -1 * the maximum pairwise majority loss. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` score_method (str, optional): Options include "margins" (the default), "winning" assigns to each candidate :math:`c` the maximum support of a candidate majority preferred to :math:`c`, and "pairwise_opposition" assigns to each candidate :math:`c` the maximum support of any candidate over :math:`c`. These scores only lead to different results on non-linear profiles. Returns: A dictionary associating each candidate with its minimax score. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.minimax` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import minimax_scores, minimax minimax.display(prof) print(minimax_scores(prof)) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import minimax, minimax_scores prof = Profile([[3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2, 0], [1, 3, 0, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [3, 2, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3]], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) minimax.display(prof) print(minimax_scores(prof)) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands if len(candidates) == 1: return {c: 0 for c in candidates} # there are different scoring functions that can be used to measure the worse loss for each # candidate. These all produce the same set of winners when voters submit linear orders. score_functions = { "winning": lambda cs, c: max([,c) for _c in cs]) if len(cs) > 0 else 0, "margins": lambda cs, c: max([edata.margin(_c,c) for _c in cs]) if len(cs) > 0 else 0, "pairwise_opposition": lambda cs, c: max([,c) for _c in cs]) } cands = { "winning": lambda c: edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands), "margins": lambda c: edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands), "pairwise_opposition": lambda c: [_c for _c in candidates if _c != c] } return {c: -1 * score_functions[score_method](cands[score_method](c), c) for c in candidates}
def maximal_elements(g): """return the nodes in g with no incoming arrows.""" return [n for n in g.nodes if g.in_degree(n) == 0] def _beat_path_basic(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """An implementation of the Beat Path method that uses a basic algorithm. This is not efficient for large graphs. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function mg = get_mg(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) beat_paths_weights = {c: {c2:0 for c2 in candidates if c2 != c} for c in candidates} for c in candidates: for other_c in beat_paths_weights[c].keys(): all_paths = list(nx.all_simple_paths(mg, c, other_c)) if len(all_paths) > 0: beat_paths_weights[c][other_c] = max([min([strength_function(p[i], p[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(p)-1)]) for p in all_paths]) winners = list() for c in candidates: if all([beat_paths_weights[c][c2] >= beat_paths_weights[c2][c] for c2 in candidates if c2 != c]): winners.append(c) return sorted(list(winners)) def _beat_path_floyd_warshall( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """An implementation of Beat Path using a variation of the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm See Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function s_matrix = [[-np.inf for _ in candidates] for _ in candidates] for c1_idx, c1 in enumerate(candidates): for c2_idx, c2 in enumerate(candidates): if (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or c1 == c2): s_matrix[c1_idx][c2_idx] = strength_function(c1, c2) strength = list(map(lambda i : list(map(lambda j : j , i)) , s_matrix)) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!= j: for k_idx, k in enumerate(candidates): if i!= k and j != k: strength[j_idx][k_idx] = max(strength[j_idx][k_idx], min(strength[j_idx][i_idx],strength[i_idx][k_idx])) winners = {i:True for i in candidates} for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!=j: if strength[j_idx][i_idx] > strength[i_idx][j_idx]: winners[i] = False return sorted([c for c in candidates if winners[c]])
[docs] @vm(name="Beat Path") def beat_path( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None, algorithm = 'floyd_warshall'): """For candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, a **path** from :math:`a` to :math:`b` is a sequence :math:`x_1, \ldots, x_n` of distinct candidates with :math:`x_1=a` and :math:`x_n=b` such that for :math:`1\leq k\leq n-1`, :math:`x_k` is majority preferred to :math:`x_{k+1}`. The **strength of a path** is the minimal margin along that path. Say that :math:`a` defeats :math:`b` according to Beat Path if the the strength of the strongest path from :math:`a` to :math:`b` is greater than the strength of the strongest path from :math:`b` to :math:`a`. Then, the candidates that are undefeated according to Beat Path are the winners. Also known as the Schulze Rule. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. algorithm (str): Specify which algorithm to use. Options are 'floyd_warshall' (the default) and 'basic'. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.beat_path_defeat` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import beat_path beat_path.display(mg) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import beat_path mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 3), (1, 0, 5), (2, 1, 5), (2, 3, 1), (3, 0, 3), (3, 1, 1)]) beat_path.display(mg) beat_path.display(mg, algorithm='floyd_warshall') beat_path.display(mg, algorithm='basic') """ if algorithm == 'floyd_warshall': return _beat_path_floyd_warshall(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) elif algorithm == 'basic': return _beat_path_basic(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) else: raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm specified.")
[docs] def beat_path_defeat(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Returns the defeat relation for Beat Path. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A networkx DiGraph representing the Beat Path defeat relation. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.beat_path`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.beat_path_Floyd_Warshall` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function s_matrix = [[-np.inf for _ in candidates] for _ in candidates] for c1_idx, c1 in enumerate(candidates): for c2_idx, c2 in enumerate(candidates): if (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or c1 == c2): s_matrix[c1_idx][c2_idx] = strength_function(c1, c2) strength = list(map(lambda i : list(map(lambda j : j , i)) , s_matrix)) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!= j: for k_idx, k in enumerate(candidates): if i!= k and j != k: strength[j_idx][k_idx] = max(strength[j_idx][k_idx], min(strength[j_idx][i_idx],strength[i_idx][k_idx])) defeat_graph = nx.DiGraph() defeat_graph.add_nodes_from(candidates) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!=j: if strength[j_idx][i_idx] > strength[i_idx][j_idx]: defeat_graph.add_weighted_edges_from([(j,i,s_matrix[j_idx][i_idx])]) return defeat_graph
def has_strong_path(A, source, target, k): """Given a square matrix A, return True if there is a path from source to target in the associated directed graph where each edge has a weight greater than or equal to k, and False otherwise.""" n = A.shape[0] # assume A is a square matrix visited = np.zeros(n, dtype=bool) def dfs(node): if node == target: return True visited[node] = True for neighbor, weight in enumerate(A[node, :]): if A[node][neighbor] > A[neighbor][node] and weight >= k and not visited[neighbor]: if dfs(neighbor): return True return False return dfs(source) def _split_cycle_basic( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """An implementation of Split Cycle based on the mathematical definition. This is more efficient than the floyd_warshall implementation. """ strength_matrix, cand_to_cindex = edata.strength_matrix(curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function=strength_function) candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function potential_winners = set(candidates) for a in candidates: for b in candidates: if strength_function(b, a) > strength_function(a, b) and not has_strong_path(strength_matrix, cand_to_cindex(a), cand_to_cindex(b), strength_function(b,a)): potential_winners.discard(a) break return sorted(potential_winners) def _split_cycle_floyd_warshall( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """An implementation of Split Cycle based on the Floyd-Warshall Algorithm. See and the paper for more information. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function weak_condorcet_winners = {c:True for c in candidates} s_matrix = [[-np.inf for _ in candidates] for _ in candidates] # initialize the s_matrix for c1_idx, c1 in enumerate(candidates): for c2_idx, c2 in enumerate(candidates): if (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or c1 == c2): s_matrix[c1_idx][c2_idx] = strength_function(c1, c2) weak_condorcet_winners[c2] = weak_condorcet_winners[c2] and (c1 == c2) # Weak Condorcet winners are Split Cycle winners strength = list(map(lambda i : list(map(lambda j : j , i)) , s_matrix)) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!= j: if not weak_condorcet_winners[j]: # weak Condorcet winners are Split Cycle winners for k_idx, k in enumerate(candidates): if i != k and j != k: strength[j_idx][k_idx] = max(strength[j_idx][k_idx], min(strength[j_idx][i_idx],strength[i_idx][k_idx])) winners = {i:True for i in candidates} for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i != j: if s_matrix[j_idx][i_idx] > strength[i_idx][j_idx]: # the main difference with Beat Path winners[i] = False return sorted([c for c in candidates if winners[c]])
[docs] @vm(name="Split Cycle") def split_cycle( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None, algorithm='basic'): """A **majority cycle** is a sequence :math:`x_1, \ldots ,x_n` of distinct candidates with :math:`x_1=x_n` such that for :math:`1 \leq k \leq n-1`, :math:`x_k` is majority preferred to :math:`x_{k+1}`. The Split Cycle winners are determined as follows: If candidate x has a positive margin over y and (x,y) is not the weakest edge in a cycle, then x defeats y. Equivalently, if x has a positive margin over y and there is no path from y back to x of strength at least the margin of x over y, then x defeats y. The candidates that are undefeated are the Split Cycle winners. See and the paper for more information. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. algorithm (str): Specify which algorithm to use. Options are 'basic' (the default) and 'floyd_warshall'. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.split_cycle_defeat` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import split_cycle split_cycle.display(mg) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import split_cycle mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 3), (1, 0, 5), (2, 1, 5), (2, 3, 1), (3, 0, 3), (3, 1, 1)]) split_cycle.display(mg) split_cycle.display(mg, algorithm='basic') split_cycle.display(mg, algorithm='floyd_warshall') """ if algorithm == 'basic': return _split_cycle_basic(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) elif algorithm == 'floyd_warshall': return _split_cycle_floyd_warshall(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) else: raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm specified.")
[docs] def split_cycle_defeat(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ Returns the Split Cycle defeat relation. See for an extended discussion of this notion of defeat in an election. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A networkx DiGraph representing the Split Cycle defeat relation. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.split_cycle`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.split_cycle_Floyd_Warshall` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function weak_condorcet_winners = {c:True for c in candidates} s_matrix = [[-np.inf for _ in candidates] for _ in candidates] # initialize the s_matrix for c1_idx, c1 in enumerate(candidates): for c2_idx, c2 in enumerate(candidates): if (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or c1 == c2): s_matrix[c1_idx][c2_idx] = strength_function(c1, c2) weak_condorcet_winners[c2] = weak_condorcet_winners[c2] and (c1 == c2) # weak Condorcet winners are Split Cycle winners strength = list(map(lambda i : list(map(lambda j : j , i)) , s_matrix)) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i!= j: if not weak_condorcet_winners[j]: # weak Condorcet winners are Split Cycle winners for k_idx, k in enumerate(candidates): if i != k and j != k: strength[j_idx][k_idx] = max(strength[j_idx][k_idx], min(strength[j_idx][i_idx],strength[i_idx][k_idx])) defeat_graph = nx.DiGraph() defeat_graph.add_nodes_from(candidates) for i_idx, i in enumerate(candidates): for j_idx, j in enumerate(candidates): if i != j: if s_matrix[j_idx][i_idx] > strength[i_idx][j_idx]: # the main difference with Beat Path defeat_graph.add_weighted_edges_from([(j,i,s_matrix[j_idx][i_idx])]) return defeat_graph
# flatten a 2d list - turn a 2d list into a single list of items flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] def does_create_cycle(g, edge): '''return True if adding the edge to g create a cycle. it is assumed that edge is already in g''' source = edge[0] target = edge[1] for n in g.predecessors(source): if nx.has_path(g, target, n): return True return False def powerset(iterable): """ Return the powerset of ``iterable`` powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3) """ s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
[docs] def is_stack(edata, cand_list, curr_cands=None): """ A **stack** is a linear order :math:`L` on the candidate such that for all candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, if :math:`aLb`, then there are distinct candidates :math:`x_1,\dots,x_n` with :math:`x_1=a` and :math:`x_n=b` such that :math:`x_i L x_{i+1}` and for all :math:`i\in \{1,\dots, n-1\}`, the margin of :math:`x_1` over :math:`x_{i+1}` is greater than or equal to the margin of :math:`b` over :math:`a`. This definition is due to Zavist and Tideman 1989, and is used as an alternative characterization of Ranked Pairs: :math:`a` is a Ranked Pairs winner if and only if :math:`a` is the maximum element of some stack. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. cand_list (list): The list of candidates that may be a stack curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: True if ``cand_list`` is a stack and False otherwise :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import is_stack from itertools import permutations mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2], [(0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 4), (2, 0, 2)]) for clist in permutations(mg.candidates): print(f"{clist} {'is' if is_stack(mg, clist) else 'is not'} a stack") """ candidates = curr_cands if curr_cands is not None else edata.candidates cand_pairs = [(a, b) if cand_list.index(a) < cand_list.index(b) else (b, a) for a, b in combinations(candidates, 2)] for a, b in cand_pairs: other_cands = [c for c in candidates if c != a and c != b] found_path = False sublist = cand_list[cand_list.index(a) + 1:cand_list.index(b)] for indices in powerset(range(len(sublist))): path = [a] + [sublist[i] for i in sorted(indices)] + [b] margins = [edata.margin(xi, path[i + 1]) for i, xi in enumerate(path[0:-1])] if all([cand_list.index(xi) < cand_list.index(path[i+1]) for i, xi in enumerate(path[0:-1])]) and all([m >= edata.margin(b, a) for m in margins]): found_path = True break if not found_path: return False return True
def _ranked_pairs_from_stacks(edata, curr_cands = None): """Find the Ranked Pairs winners by iterating over all permutations of candidates (restricted to ``curr_cands`` if not None), and checking if the list is a stack. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.is_stack` """ candidates = curr_cands if curr_cands is not None else edata.candidates winners = list() for clist in permutations(candidates): isstack = is_stack(edata, clist, curr_cands = curr_cands) if isstack: winners.append(clist[0]) return sorted(list(set(winners))) def _ranked_pairs_basic( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """An implementation of Ranked Pairs that uses a basic algorithm. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands=curr_cands) # Ranked Pairs is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() if len(w_edges) > 0: strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) rp_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for e0,e1,s in edges: if not rp_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]]: rp_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rp_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) else: winners = candidates return sorted(list(set(winners)))
[docs] @vm(name="Ranked Pairs") def ranked_pairs( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None, algorithm='basic'): """ Order the edges in the margin graph from largest to smallest and lock them in in that order, skipping edges that create a cycle. If there are ties in the margins, break the ties using a tie-breaking rule: a linear ordering over the edges. A candidate is a Ranked Pairs winner if it wins according to some tie-breaking rule. Also known as Tideman's Rule. .. warning:: This method can take a very long time to find winners. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. algorithm (str, optional): Specify which algorithm to use. Options are 'basic' (the default) and 'from_stacks'. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_zt`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_defeats` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs ranked_pairs.display(mg) ranked_pairs.display(mg, algorithm='basic') ranked_pairs.display(mg, algorithm='from_stacks') .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 3), (1, 0, 5), (2, 1, 5), (2, 3, 1), (3, 0, 3), (3, 1, 1)]) ranked_pairs.display(mg) ranked_pairs.display(mg, algorithm='basic') ranked_pairs.display(mg, algorithm='from_stacks') """ if algorithm == 'basic': return _ranked_pairs_basic(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) elif algorithm == 'from_stacks': return _ranked_pairs_from_stacks(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) else: raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm specified.")
[docs] @vm(name="Ranked Pairs") def ranked_pairs_with_test( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None): """Find the Ranked Pairs winners, but include a test to determined if it will take too long to compute the Ranked Pairs winners. If the calculation of the winners will take too long, return None. .. important:: This voting method that might return None rather than a list of candidates. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_zt`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_defeats` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs_with_test ranked_pairs_with_test.display(mg) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs_with_test mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(1, 2, 2), (1, 3, 2), (2, 0, 2)]) ranked_pairs_with_test.display(mg) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) # Ranked Pairs is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] if[math.factorial(len(es)) for es in sorted_edges]) > 3000: return None else: tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) rp_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for e0,e1,s in edges: if not rp_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]]: rp_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rp_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) return sorted(list(set(winners)))
[docs] def ranked_pairs_defeats(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ Returns the Ranked Pairs defeat relations produced by the Ranked Pairs algorithm. .. important:: Unlike the other functions that return a single defeat relation, this returns a list of defeat relations. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A networkx DiGraph representing the Ranked Pairs defeat relation. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs_defeats mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 1, 10), (0, 2, 2), (1, 3, 4), (2, 1, 6), (2, 3, 8), (3, 0, 4)]) rp_defeats = ranked_pairs_defeats(mg) for rpd in rp_defeats: print(rpd.edges) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) rp_defeats = list() for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) rp_defeat = nx.DiGraph() for e in edges: rp_defeat.add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=e[2]) if does_create_cycle(rp_defeat, e): rp_defeat.remove_edge(e[0], e[1]) rp_defeats.append(rp_defeat) winners.append(maximal_elements(rp_defeat)[0]) return rp_defeats
[docs] @vm(name="Ranked Pairs TB") def ranked_pairs_tb( edata, curr_cands = None, tie_breaker = None, strength_function = None): """ Ranked Pairs with a fixed linear order on the candidates to break any ties in the margins. Since the tie_breaker is a linear order, this method is resolute. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test` .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs_tb, ranked_pairs_zt prof = Profile([[2, 3, 1, 0], [0, 3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2, 0], [2, 1, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 1]) prof.display() ranked_pairs_tb.display(prof) ranked_pairs_tb.display(prof, tie_breaker = [3, 2, 1, 0]) ranked_pairs_zt.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function tb_ranking = tie_breaker if tie_breaker is not None else sorted(list(candidates)) cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands=curr_cands) # Ranked Pairs is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) rp_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for s in strengths: edges = [e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] # break ties using the lexicographic ordering on tuples given tb_ranking sorted_edges = sorted(edges, key = lambda e: (tb_ranking.index(e[0]), tb_ranking.index(e[1])), reverse=False) for e0,e1,s in edges: if not rp_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]]: rp_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rp_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) return sorted(list(set(winners)))
[docs] @vm(name="Ranked Pairs ZT") def ranked_pairs_zt( profile, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Ranked pairs where a fixed voter breaks any ties in the margins. It is always the voter in position 0 that breaks the ties. Since voters have strict preferences, this method is resolute. This is known as Ranked Pairs ZT, for Zavist Tideman. Args: edata (Profile): A profile of linear orders curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test` .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import ranked_pairs_tb, ranked_pairs_zt prof = Profile([[2, 3, 1, 0], [0, 3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 2, 0], [2, 1, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 1]) prof.display() ranked_pairs_tb.display(prof) ranked_pairs_tb.display(prof, tie_breaker = [3, 2, 1, 0]) ranked_pairs_zt.display(prof) """ candidates = profile.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands # the tie-breaker is always the first voter. tb_ranking = tuple([c for c in list(profile._rankings[0]) if c in candidates]) return ranked_pairs_tb(profile, curr_cands = curr_cands, tie_breaker = tb_ranking, strength_function = strength_function)
[docs] @vm(name="River") def river(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ Order the edges in the weak margin graph from largest to smallest and lock them in in that order, skipping edges that create a cycle *and edges in which there is already an edge pointing to the target*. Break ties using a tie-breaking linear ordering over the edges. A candidate is a River winner if it wins according to some tie-breaking rule. See Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import river, ranked_pairs mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 2), (0, 3, 8), (1, 0, 12), (2, 3, 12), (3, 1, 6)]) ranked_pairs.display(mg) river.display(mg) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands=curr_cands) # Ranked Pairs is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) rv_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for e0,e1,s in edges: if not rv_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]] and len(rv_defeat.preds[cand_to_cidx[e1]]) == 0: rv_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rv_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) return sorted(list(set(winners)))
def river_defeats(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """ Returns the River defeat relations produced by the River algorithm. .. important:: Unlike the other functions that return a single defeat relation, this returns a list of defeat relations. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A networkx DiGraph representing the River defeat relation. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) river_defeats = list() for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) river_defeat = nx.DiGraph() for e in edges: if e[1] not in river_defeat.nodes or len(list(river_defeat.in_edges(e[1]))) == 0: river_defeat.add_edge(e[0], e[1], weight=e[2]) if does_create_cycle(river_defeat, e): river_defeat.remove_edge(e[0], e[1]) river_defeats.append(river_defeat) return river_defeats
[docs] @vm(name="River") def river_with_test(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Find the River winners with a test to determined if it will take too long to compute the River winners. If the calculation of the winners will take too long, return None. .. important:: This voting method that might return None rather than a list of candidates. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs_with_test`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.river` """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands=curr_cands) # Ranked Pairs is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) sorted_edges = [[e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] for s in strengths] if[math.factorial(len(es)) for es in sorted_edges]) > 3000: return None else: tbs = product(*[permutations(edges) for edges in sorted_edges]) for tb in tbs: edges = flatten(tb) rv_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for e0,e1,s in edges: if not rv_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]] and len(rv_defeat.preds[cand_to_cidx[e1]]) == 0: rv_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rv_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) return sorted(list(set(winners)))
[docs] @vm(name="River TB") def river_tb(edata, curr_cands = None, tie_breaker = None, strength_function = None): """ River with a fixed linear order on the candidates to break any ties in the margins. Since the tie_breaker is a linear order, this method is resolute. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` tie_breaker (List[int], optional): A linear order on the candidates. If not set, then the candidates are sorted in ascending order. strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cidx_to_cand = {cidx: c for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} cand_to_cidx = {c: cidx for cidx, c in enumerate(candidates)} strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function tb_ranking = tie_breaker if tie_breaker is not None else sorted(list(candidates)) cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands=curr_cands) # River is Condorcet consistent, so simply return the Condorcet winner if exists if cw is not None: winners = [cw] else: w_edges = [(c1, c2, strength_function(c1, c2)) for c1 in candidates for c2 in candidates if c1 != c2 and (edata.majority_prefers(c1, c2) or edata.is_tied(c1, c2))] winners = list() strengths = sorted(list(set([e[2] for e in w_edges])), reverse=True) rv_defeat = SPO(len(candidates)) for s in strengths: edges = [e for e in w_edges if e[2] == s] # break ties using the lexicographic ordering on tuples given tb_ranking sorted_edges = sorted(edges, key = lambda e: (tb_ranking.index(e[0]), tb_ranking.index(e[1])), reverse=False) for e0,e1,s in sorted_edges: if not rv_defeat.P[cand_to_cidx[e1]][cand_to_cidx[e0]] and len(rv_defeat.preds[cand_to_cidx[e1]]) == 0: rv_defeat.add(cand_to_cidx[e0],cand_to_cidx[e1]) winners.append(cidx_to_cand[rv_defeat.initial_elements()[0]]) return sorted(list(set(winners)))
[docs] @vm(name="River ZT") def river_zt(profile, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """River where a fixed voter breaks any ties in the margins. It is always the voter in position 0 that breaks the ties. Since voters have strict preferences, this method is resolute. Args: edata (Profile): A profile of linear orders curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.river`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.river_with_test`, :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.ranked_pairs` """ candidates = profile.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands # the tie-breaker is always the first voter. tb_ranking = tuple([c for c in list(profile._rankings[0]) if c in candidates]) return river_tb(profile, curr_cands = curr_cands, tie_breaker = tb_ranking, strength_function = strength_function)
# Simple Stable Voting def _simple_stable_voting(curr_cands, sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners): ''' Determine the Simple Stable Voting winners while keeping track of the winners in any subprofiles checked during computation. ''' sv_winners = list() if len(curr_cands) == 1: mem_sv_winners[tuple(curr_cands)] = curr_cands return curr_cands, mem_sv_winners margin_witnessing_win = -math.inf for a, b, s in sorted_matches: if s < margin_witnessing_win: break if a not in sv_winners: cands_minus_b = [c for c in curr_cands if c != b] cands_minus_b_key = tuple(sorted(cands_minus_b)) if cands_minus_b_key not in mem_sv_winners.keys(): ws, mem_sv_winners = _simple_stable_voting(curr_cands = cands_minus_b, sorted_matches = [(a, c, s) for a, c, s in sorted_matches if a != b and c != b], mem_sv_winners = mem_sv_winners) mem_sv_winners[cands_minus_b_key] = ws else: ws = mem_sv_winners[cands_minus_b_key] if a in ws: sv_winners.append(a) margin_witnessing_win = s return sv_winners, mem_sv_winners @vm(name = "Simple Stable Voting") def _simple_stable_voting_with_condorcet_check( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Simple Stable Voting is Condorcet consistent. It is faster to skip executing the recursive algorithm when there is a Condorcet winnerFirst check if there is a Condorcet winner. If so, return the Condorcet winner, otherwise find the Simple Stable Voting winner using _simple_stable_voting Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) if cw is not None: return [cw] else: curr_cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function matches = [(a, b, strength_function(a, b)) for a in curr_cands for b in curr_cands if a != b] sorted_matches = sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda m_w_weight: m_w_weight[2]) return sorted(_simple_stable_voting(curr_cands = curr_cands, sorted_matches = sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners = {})[0]) def _simple_stable_voting_basic(edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Implementation of Simple Stable Voting from Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ curr_cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function matches = [(a, b, strength_function(a, b)) for a in curr_cands for b in curr_cands if a != b] sorted_matches = sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda m_w_weight: m_w_weight[2]) return sorted(_simple_stable_voting(curr_cands = curr_cands, sorted_matches = sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners = {})[0])
[docs] @vm(name = "Simple Stable Voting") def simple_stable_voting( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None, algorithm = 'basic'): """Implementation of Simple Stable Voting from Simple Stable Voting is a recursive voting method defined as follows: 1. If there is only one candidate in the profile, then that candidate is the winner. 2. Order the pairs :math:`(a,b)` of candidates from largest to smallest value of the margin of :math:`a` over :math:`b`, and declare as Simple Stable Voting winners the candidate(s) :math:`a` from the earliest pair(s) :math:`(a,b)` such that :math:`a` is a Simple Stable Voting winner in the election without :math:`b`. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. algorithm (str, optional): Specify which algorithm to use. Options are 'basic' (the default) and 'with_condorcet_check'. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.stable_voting` :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import simple_stable_voting mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 3, 8), (1, 0, 10), (2, 0, 4), (2, 1, 8), (3, 1, 8)]) simple_stable_voting.display(mg) simple_stable_voting.display(mg, algorithm='basic') simple_stable_voting.display(mg, algorithm='with_condorcet_check') """ if algorithm == 'basic': return _simple_stable_voting_basic(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) elif algorithm == 'with_condorcet_check': return _simple_stable_voting_with_condorcet_check(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) else: raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm specified.")
def _stable_voting(edata, curr_cands, strength_function, sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners): ''' Determine the Stable Voting winners for the profile while keeping track of the winners in any subprofiles checked during computation. ''' sv_winners = list() undefeated_candidates = split_cycle(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) if len(curr_cands) == 1: mem_sv_winners[tuple(curr_cands)] = curr_cands return curr_cands, mem_sv_winners margin_witnessing_win = -math.inf for a, b, s in sorted_matches: if s < margin_witnessing_win: break if a in undefeated_candidates and a not in sv_winners: cands_minus_b = [c for c in curr_cands if c != b] cands_minus_b_key = tuple(sorted(cands_minus_b)) if cands_minus_b_key not in mem_sv_winners.keys(): ws, mem_sv_winners = _stable_voting(edata, curr_cands = cands_minus_b, strength_function = strength_function, sorted_matches = [(a, c, s) for a, c, s in sorted_matches if a != b and c != b], mem_sv_winners = mem_sv_winners) mem_sv_winners[cands_minus_b_key] = ws else: ws = mem_sv_winners[cands_minus_b_key] if a in ws: sv_winners.append(a) margin_witnessing_win = s return sv_winners, mem_sv_winners @vm(name = "Stable Voting") def _stable_voting_with_condorcet_check( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None): """ Stable Voting is Condorcet consistent. It is faster to skip executing the recursive algorithm when there is a Condorcet winner. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ cw = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) if cw is not None: return [cw] else: curr_cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function matches = [(a, b, strength_function(a, b)) for a in curr_cands for b in curr_cands if a != b] sorted_matches = sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda m_w_weight: m_w_weight[2]) return sorted(_stable_voting(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function, sorted_matches = sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners = {})[0]) def _stable_voting_basic( edata, curr_cands = None, strength_function = None): """Implementation of Stable Voting from Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ curr_cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strength_function = edata.margin if strength_function is None else strength_function matches = [(a, b, strength_function(a, b)) for a in curr_cands for b in curr_cands if a != b] sorted_matches = sorted(matches, reverse=True, key=lambda m_w_weight: m_w_weight[2]) return sorted(_stable_voting(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function, sorted_matches = sorted_matches, mem_sv_winners = {})[0])
[docs] @vm(name = "Stable Voting") def stable_voting( edata, curr_cands=None, strength_function=None, algorithm='basic'): """Implementation of Stable Voting from Stable Voting is a recursive voting method defined as follows: 1. If there is only one candidate in the profile, then that candidate is the winner. 2. Order the pairs :math:`(a,b)` of candidates from largest to smallest value of the margin of :math:`a` over :math:`b` such that :math:`a` is undefeated according to Split Cycle, and declare as Stable Voting winners the candidate(s) :math:`a` from the earliest pair(s) :math:`(a,b)` such that :math:`a` is a Simple Stable Voting winner in the election without :math:`b`. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` strength_function (function, optional): The strength function to be used to calculate the strength of a path. The default is the margin method of ``edata``. This only matters when the ballots are not linear orders. Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.margin_based_methods.simple_stable_voting` :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import stable_voting mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 3, 8), (1, 0, 10), (2, 0, 4), (2, 1, 8), (3, 1, 8)]) stable_voting.display(mg) stable_voting.display(mg, algorithm='basic') stable_voting.display(mg, algorithm='with_condorcet_check') """ if algorithm == 'basic': return _stable_voting_basic(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) elif algorithm == 'with_condorcet_check': return _stable_voting_with_condorcet_check(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands, strength_function = strength_function) else: raise ValueError("Invalid algorithm specified.")
[docs] @vm(name="Essential Set") def essential(edata, curr_cands = None, threshold = 0.0000001): """The Essential Set is the support of the (chosen) C2 maximal lottery. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin_matrix` attribute. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ ml = maximal_lottery(edata, curr_cands=curr_cands) return sorted([c for c in ml.keys() if ml[c] > threshold])
[docs] @vm(name="Weighted Covering") def weighted_covering(edata, curr_cands=None): """According to Weighted Covering, x defeats y if the margin of x over y is positive and for every other z, the margin of x over z is greater than or equal to the margin of y over z. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. .. note:: See, e.g., Bhaskar Dutta and Jean-Francois Laslier, "Comparison functions and choice correspondences," Social Choice and Welfare, 16:513–532, 1999, doi:10.1007/s003550050158, and Raúl Pérez-Fernández and Bernard De Baets, "The supercovering relation, the pairwise winner, and more missing links between Borda and Condorcet," Social Choice and Welfare, 50:329–352, 2018, doi:10.1007/s00355-017-1086-0. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} uc_set = list() for y in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for x in edata.dominators(y, curr_cands = curr_cands): # check if y covers x, i.e., for every z, margin(x, z) >= margin(y, z) covers = True for z in candidates: if edata.margin(x, z) < edata.margin(y, z): covers = False break if covers: is_in_ucs = False break if is_in_ucs: uc_set.append(y) return sorted(uc_set)
[docs] @vm(name = "Loss-Trimmer Voting") def loss_trimmer(edata, curr_cands = None): """Iteratively eliminate the candidate with the largest sum of margins of loss until a Condorcet winner is found. In this version of the method, parallel-universe tiebreaking is used if there are multiple candidates with the largest sum of margins of loss. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a margin method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. note:: Method proposed by Richard B. Darlington in "The Case for the Loss-Trimmer Voting System." """ curr_cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands weak_cw = edata.weak_condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) # If there are weak Condorcet winners, return those candidates if edata.weak_condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) is not None: return sorted(weak_cw) # Otherwise, calculate the sum of margins of loss for each candidate sum_of_margins_of_loss = {cand: sum([edata.margin(other_cand, cand) for other_cand in curr_cands if edata.margin(other_cand, cand) > 0]) for cand in curr_cands} # Find the candidates with the largest sum of margins of loss max_sum_of_margins_of_loss = max(sum_of_margins_of_loss.values()) biggest_losers = [cand for cand in curr_cands if sum_of_margins_of_loss[cand] == max_sum_of_margins_of_loss] winners = [] # For each biggest loser, calculate the winners after removing that candidate. The union of these sets is the set of winners. for bl in biggest_losers: winners_without_bl = loss_trimmer(edata, curr_cands = [cand for cand in curr_cands if cand != bl]) winners += winners_without_bl return sorted(list(set(winners)))
def distance_to_margin_graph(edata, rel, exp = 1, curr_cands = None): """ Calculate the distance of ``rel`` (a relation) to the majority graph of ``edata``. """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands if type(edata) == MajorityGraph and exp == 0: # if edata is a MajorityGraph, we need to add margins for the following code to work. The margins do not matter when exp==0. edata = MarginGraph(candidates, [(c1, c2, 1) for c1, c2 in edata.edges if (c1 in candidates and c2 in candidates)]) penalty = 0 for a,b in combinations(candidates, 2): if edata.majority_prefers(a, b) and (b,a) in rel: penalty += (edata.margin(a, b) ** exp) elif edata.majority_prefers(b, a) and (a,b) in rel: penalty += (edata.margin(b, a) ** exp) elif edata.majority_prefers(a, b) and (a,b) not in rel and (b,a) not in rel: penalty += (edata.margin(a, b) ** exp) / 2 elif edata.majority_prefers(b, a) and (a,b) not in rel and (b,a) not in rel: penalty += (edata.margin(b, a) ** exp) / 2 return penalty mg_vms = [ minimax, split_cycle, #beat_path, #ranked_pairs, #ranked_pairs_with_test, ranked_pairs_zt, ranked_pairs_tb, #river, #river_with_test, simple_stable_voting, stable_voting, essential, weighted_covering, loss_trimmer ] mg_vms_all = [ minimax, split_cycle, beat_path, ranked_pairs, ranked_pairs_with_test, ranked_pairs_zt, ranked_pairs_tb, river, river_with_test, simple_stable_voting, stable_voting, essential, weighted_covering, loss_trimmer ]