Source code for pref_voting.generate_profiles

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: December 7, 2020
    Updated: February 16, 2024
    Functions to generate profiles


from itertools import combinations
from pref_voting.profiles import Profile
from pref_voting.generate_spatial_profiles import generate_spatial_profile
from pref_voting.generate_utility_profiles import linear_utility
import numpy as np 
import math
import random
from scipy.stats import gamma
from itertools import permutations
from pref_voting.helper import weak_compositions

from pref_voting.profiles_with_ties import ProfileWithTies
from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp
from prefsampling.ordinal import impartial, impartial_anonymous, urn, plackett_luce, didi, stratification, single_peaked_conitzer, single_peaked_walsh, single_peaked_circle, single_crossing, euclidean, mallows

from prefsampling.core.euclidean import EuclideanSpace
from collections import Counter

# ############
# wrapper functions to interface with preflib tools for generating profiles
# ############

# Given the number m of candidates and a phi in [0,1], 
# compute the expected number of swaps in a vote sampled 
# from the Mallows model
def find_expected_number_of_swaps(num_candidates, phi):
    res = phi * num_candidates / (1 - phi)
    for j in range(1, num_candidates + 1):
        res = res + (j * (phi**j)) / ((phi**j) - 1)
    return res

# Given the number m of candidates and a absolute number of 
# expected swaps exp_abs, this function returns a value of 
# phi such that in a vote sampled from Mallows model with 
# this parameter the expected number of swaps is exp_abs
def phi_from_relphi(num_candidates, relphi=None, seed=None):

    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
    if relphi is None:
        relphi = rng.uniform(0.001, 0.999)
    if relphi == 1:
        return 1
    exp_abs = relphi * (num_candidates * (num_candidates - 1)) / 4
    low = 0
    high = 1
    while low <= high:
        mid = (high + low) / 2
        cur = find_expected_number_of_swaps(num_candidates, mid)
        if abs(cur - exp_abs) < 1e-5:
            return mid
        # If x is greater, ignore left half
        if cur < exp_abs:
            low = mid

        # If x is smaller, ignore right half
        elif cur > exp_abs:
            high = mid

    # If we reach here, then the element was not present
    return -1

# Return a list of phis from the relphi value
def phis_from_relphi(num_candidates, num, relphi=None, seed=None):

    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
    if relphi is None:
        relphis = rng.uniform(0.001, 0.999, size=num)
        relphis = [relphi] * num
    return [phi_from_relphi(num_candidates, relphi=relphis[n]) for n in range(num)]

[docs] def get_rankings(num_candidates, num_voters, **kwargs): """ Get the rankings for a given number of candidates and voters using the [prefsampling library]( Args: num_candidates (int): The number of candidates. num_voters (int): The number of voters. kwargs (dict): Any parameters for the probability model. Returns: list: A list of rankings. """ if 'probmodel' in kwargs: probmodel = kwargs['probmodel'] elif 'probmod' in kwargs: # for backwards compatibility probmodel = kwargs['probmod'] else: probmodel = "impartial" if 'seed' in kwargs: seed = kwargs['seed'] else: seed = None if probmodel == "IC" or probmodel == 'impartial': rankings = impartial(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "IAC" or probmodel == 'impartial_anonymous': rankings = impartial_anonymous(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS" or probmodel == 'mallows': impartial_central_vote = True if 'phi' in kwargs: phi = kwargs['phi'] else: phi = 1.0 if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-0.8": phi = 0.8 impartial_central_vote = True if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-0.2": phi = 0.2 impartial_central_vote = True if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-R": rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) phi = rng.uniform(0.001, 0.999) impartial_central_vote = True if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-RELPHI": impartial_central_vote = True if 'relphi' in kwargs: relphi = kwargs['relphi'] else: relphi = None if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None phi = phi_from_relphi(num_candidates, relphi=relphi, seed=seed) rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-RELPHI-0.375": relphi = 0.375 impartial_central_vote = True if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None phi = phi_from_relphi(num_candidates, relphi=relphi, seed=seed) rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "MALLOWS-RELPHI-R": impartial_central_vote = True if 'normalise_phi' in kwargs: normalise_phi = kwargs['normalise_phi'] else: normalise_phi = False if 'central_vote' in kwargs: central_vote = kwargs['central_vote'] impartial_central_vote = False else: central_vote = None phi = phi_from_relphi(num_candidates, relphi=None, seed=seed) rankings = mallows(num_voters, num_candidates, phi, normalise_phi=normalise_phi, central_vote=central_vote, impartial_central_vote=impartial_central_vote, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "URN" or probmodel == 'urn': if 'alpha' in kwargs: alpha = kwargs['alpha'] else: alpha = 0.0 rankings = urn(num_voters, num_candidates, alpha, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "URN-10": alpha = 10 rankings = urn(num_voters, num_candidates, alpha, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "URN-0.3": alpha = round(math.factorial(num_candidates) * 0.3) rankings = urn(num_voters, num_candidates, alpha, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "URN-R": rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) alpha = round(math.factorial(num_candidates) * gamma.rvs(0.8, random_state=rng)) rankings = urn(num_voters, num_candidates, alpha, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "plackett_luce": if 'alphas' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Error: alphas parameter missing. A value must be specified for each candidate indicating their relative quality.") #RaiseValueError() else: alphas = kwargs['alphas'] rankings = plackett_luce(num_voters, num_candidates, alphas, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "didi": if 'alphas' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Error: alphas parameter missing. A value must be specified for each candidate indicating each candidate's quality.") else: alphas = kwargs['alphas'] rankings = didi(num_voters, num_candidates, alphas, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "stratification": if 'weight' not in kwargs: raise ValueError("Error: weight parameter missing. The weight parameter specifies the size of the upper class of candidates.") else: weight = kwargs['weight'] rankings = stratification(num_voters, num_candidates, weight, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "single_peaked_conitzer": rankings = single_peaked_conitzer(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "SinglePeaked" or probmodel == "single_peaked_walsh": rankings = single_peaked_walsh(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "single_peaked_circle": rankings = single_peaked_circle(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "single_crossing": rankings = single_crossing(num_voters, num_candidates, seed=seed) elif probmodel == "euclidean": euclidean_spaces = { "gaussian_ball": EuclideanSpace.GAUSSIAN_BALL, "gaussian_cube": EuclideanSpace.GAUSSIAN_CUBE, "unbounded_gaussian": EuclideanSpace.UNBOUNDED_GAUSSIAN, "uniform_ball": EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_BALL, "uniform_cube": EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_CUBE, "uniform_sphere": EuclideanSpace.UNIFORM_SPHERE, } if 'space' in kwargs: space = kwargs['space'] else: space = "uniform_ball" if 'dimension' in kwargs: dimension = kwargs['dimension'] else: dimension = 2 rankings = euclidean(num_voters, num_candidates, voters_positions=euclidean_spaces[space], candidates_positions=euclidean_spaces[space], num_dimensions=dimension, seed=seed) else: raise ValueError("Error: The probability model is not recognized.") return rankings
[docs] def generate_profile(num_candidates, num_voters, anonymize=False, num_profiles=1, **kwargs): """ Generate profiles using the prefsampling library. Args: num_candidates (int): The number of candidates. num_voters (int): The number of voters. anonymize (bool): If True, anonymize the profiles. num_profiles (int): The number of profiles to generate. kwargs (dict): Any parameters for the probability model. Returns: list: A list of profiles or a single profile if num_profiles is 1. """ profs = [Profile(get_rankings(num_candidates, num_voters, **kwargs)) for _ in range(num_profiles)] if anonymize: profs = [prof.anonymize() for prof in profs] return profs[0] if num_profiles == 1 else profs
[docs] def generate_profile_with_groups( num_candidates, num_voters, probmodels, weights=None, seed=None, num_profiles=1, anonymize=False): """ Generate profiles with groups of voters generated from different probability models. The probability of selecting a probability model is proportional its weight in the list weight. Args: num_candidates (int): The number of candidates. num_voters (int): The number of voters. probmodels (list): A list of dictionaries specifying a probability model. weights (list): A list of weights for each probability model. seed (int): The random seed. num_profiles (int): The number of profiles to generate. anonymize (bool): If True, anonymize the profiles. """ if weights is None: weights = [1] * len(probmodels) assert len(weights)==len(probmodels), "The number of weights must be equal to the number of probmodels" probs = [w / sum(weights) for w in weights] rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) profs = list() for _ in range(num_profiles): selected_probmodels = rng.choice(probmodels, num_voters, p=probs) selected_probmodels_num = Counter([tuple((k,v) if type(v) != list else (k, tuple(v)) for k,v in pm.items()) for pm in selected_probmodels]) rankings = list() for pm_data, nv in selected_probmodels_num.items(): rankings = rankings + list(get_rankings(num_candidates, nv, **dict(pm_data))) prof = Profile(rankings) if anonymize: prof = prof.anonymize() profs.append(prof) return profs[0] if num_profiles == 1 else profs
[docs] def enumerate_anon_profile(num_cands, num_voters): """A generator that enumerates all anonymous profiles with num_cands candidates and num_voters voters. Args: num_cands (int): Number of candidates. num_voters (int): Number of voters. Yields: Profile: An anonymous profile. """ ballot_types = list(permutations(range(num_cands))) num_ballot_types = len(ballot_types) for comp in weak_compositions(num_voters, num_ballot_types): yield Profile(ballot_types, rcounts = comp)
[docs] def enumerate_anon_profile_with_ties(num_cands, num_voters): """A generator that enumerates all anonymous profiles--allowing ties and omissions in ballots--with num_cands candidates and num_voters voters Args: num_cands (int): Number of candidates. num_voters (int): Number of voters. Yields: ProfileWithTies: An anonymous profile. """ ballot_types = list(weak_orders(range(num_cands))) num_ballot_types = len(ballot_types) for comp in weak_compositions(num_voters, num_ballot_types): yield ProfileWithTies(ballot_types, rcounts = comp)
#### # Generating ProfilesWithTies #### def strict_weak_orders(A): if not A: # i.e., A is empty yield [] return for k in range(1, len(A) + 1): for B in combinations(A, k): # i.e., all nonempty subsets B for order in strict_weak_orders(set(A) - set(B)): yield [B] + order
[docs] def generate_truncated_profile( num_cands, num_voters, max_num_ranked=3, probmod="IC"): """Generate a :class:`ProfileWithTies` with ``num_cands`` candidates and ``num_voters``. The ballots will be truncated linear orders of the candidates. Returns a :class:`ProfileWithTies` that uses extended strict preference (so all ranked candidates are strictly preferred to any candidate that is not ranked). Args: num_cands (int): The number of candidates to include in the profile. num_voters (int): The number of voters to include in the profile. max_num_ranked (int, default=3): The maximum level to truncate the linear ranking. probmod (str): optional (default "IC") Returns: ProfileWithTies :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.generate_profiles import generate_truncated_profile prof = generate_truncated_profile(6, 7) prof.display() prof = generate_truncated_profile(6, 7, max_num_ranked=6) prof.display() :Possible Values of probmod: - "IC" (Impartial Culture): each randomly generated linear order of all candidates is truncated at a level from 1 to max_num_ranked, where the probability of truncating at level t is the number of truncated linear orders of length t divided by the number of truncated linear orders of length from 1 to max_num_ranked. Then a voter is equally likely to get any of the truncated linear orders of length from 1 to max_num_ranked. - "RT" (Random Truncation): each randomly generated linear order of all candidates is truncated at a level that is randomly chosen from 1 to max_num_ranked. """ if max_num_ranked > num_cands: max_num_ranked = num_cands if probmod == "IC": num_rankings_of_length = dict() for n in range(1, max_num_ranked + 1): num_rankings_of_length[n] = 1 for i in range(num_cands,num_cands-n, -1): num_rankings_of_length[n] *= i num_all_rankings = sum([num_rankings_of_length[n] for n in range(1, max_num_ranked + 1)]) probabilities = [num_rankings_of_length[n] / num_all_rankings for n in range(1, max_num_ranked + 1)] lprof = generate_profile(num_cands, num_voters) rmaps = list() for r in lprof.rankings: if probmod == "RT": truncate_at = random.choice(range(1, max_num_ranked + 1)) if probmod == "IC": truncate_at = random.choices(range(1, max_num_ranked + 1), weights=probabilities, k=1)[0] truncated_r = r[0:truncate_at] rmap = {c: _r + 1 for _r, c in enumerate(truncated_r)} rmaps.append(rmap) prof = ProfileWithTies( rmaps, cmap=lprof.cmap, candidates=lprof.candidates ) prof.use_extended_strict_preference() return prof
#### # Generating Profile from ordinal margin graph ####
[docs] def minimal_profile_from_edge_order(cands, edge_order): """Given a list of candidates and a list of edges (positive margin edges only) in order of descending strength, find a minimal profile whose ordinal margin graph has that edge order. Args: cands (list): list of candidates edge_order (list): list of edges in order of descending strength Returns: Profile: a profile whose ordinal margin graph has the given edge order """ solver = pywraplp.Solver.CreateSolver("SAT") num_cands = len(cands) rankings = list(permutations(range(num_cands))) ranking_to_var = dict() infinity = solver.infinity() for ridx, r in enumerate(rankings): _v = solver.IntVar(0.0, infinity, f"x{ridx}") ranking_to_var[r] = _v nv = solver.IntVar(0.0, infinity, "nv") equations = list() for c1 in cands: for c2 in cands: if c1 != c2: if (c1,c2) in edge_order: rankings_c1_over_c2 = [ranking_to_var[r] for r in rankings if r.index(c1) < r.index(c2)] rankings_c2_over_c1 = [ranking_to_var[r] for r in rankings if r.index(c2) < r.index(c1)] equations.append(sum(rankings_c1_over_c2) - sum(rankings_c2_over_c1) >= 1) for c3 in cands: for c4 in cands: if c3 != c4: if (c1,c2) in edge_order and (c3,c4) in edge_order and edge_order.index((c1,c2)) < edge_order.index((c3,c4)): rankings_c3_over_c4 = [ranking_to_var[r] for r in rankings if r.index(c3) < r.index(c4)] rankings_c4_over_c3 = [ranking_to_var[r] for r in rankings if r.index(c4) < r.index(c3)] equations.append(sum(rankings_c1_over_c2) - sum(rankings_c2_over_c1) >= sum(rankings_c3_over_c4) - sum(rankings_c4_over_c3) + 1) equations.append(nv == sum(list(ranking_to_var.values()))) for eq in equations: solver.Add(eq) solver.Minimize(nv) status = solver.Solve() if status == pywraplp.Solver.INFEASIBLE: print("Error: Did not find a solution.") return None if status != pywraplp.Solver.OPTIMAL: print("Warning: Did not find an optimal solution.") _ranks = list() _rcounts = list() for r,v in ranking_to_var.items(): if v.solution_value() > 0: _ranks.append(r) _rcounts.append(int(v.solution_value())) if not v.solution_value().is_integer(): print("ERROR: Found non integer, ", v.solution_value()) return None return Profile(_ranks, rcounts = _rcounts)