Source code for pref_voting.c1_methods

    Author: Wes Holliday ( and Eric Pacuit (
    Date: January 10, 2022
    Update: July 31, 2022
    Implementations of voting methods that work on both profiles and majority graphs.

from pref_voting.voting_method import  *
from pref_voting.helper import get_mg, get_weak_mg
from pref_voting.margin_based_methods import distance_to_margin_graph
from pref_voting.probabilistic_methods import c1_maximal_lottery
from pref_voting.rankings import Ranking, break_ties_alphabetically
from pref_voting.social_welfare_function import swf
import copy
import math
from itertools import product, permutations, combinations, chain
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] @vm(name = "Condorcet") def condorcet(edata, curr_cands = None): """ Return the Condorcet winner if one exists, otherwise return all the candidates. A Condorcet winner is a candidate :math:`c` that is majority preferred to every other candidate. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `condorcet_winner` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.profiles.Profile.condorcet_winner`, :meth:`pref_voting.profiles_with_ties.ProfileWithTies.condorcet_winner`, :meth:`pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs.MajorityGraph.condorcet_winner` :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import condorcet prof = Profile([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0], [2, 0, 1]], [1, 1, 1]) prof.display() print(prof.condorcet_winner()) condorcet.display(prof) condorcet.display(prof.majority_graph()) condorcet.display(prof.margin_graph()) prof2 = Profile([[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0], [1, 0, 2]], [3, 1, 1]) prof2.display() print(prof2.condorcet_winner()) condorcet.display(prof2) condorcet.display(prof2.majority_graph()) condorcet.display(prof2.margin_graph()) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands cond_winner = edata.condorcet_winner(curr_cands = curr_cands) return [cond_winner] if cond_winner is not None else sorted(candidates)
[docs] @vm(name = "Copeland") def copeland(edata, curr_cands = None): """The Copeland score for c is the number of candidates that c is majority preferred to minus the number of candidates majority preferred to c. The Copeland winners are the candidates with the maximum Copeland score in the profile restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `copeland_scores` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.profiles.Profile.copeland_scores`, :meth:`pref_voting.profiles_with_ties.ProfileWithTies.copeland_scores`, :meth:`pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs.MajorityGraph.copeland_scores` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import copeland copeland.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import copeland prof = Profile([[1, 3, 0, 4, 2], [0, 1, 4, 2, 3], [2, 4, 0, 1, 3], [3, 0, 2, 4, 1], [4, 3, 1, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 1, 4]], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) copeland.display(prof) print(prof.copeland_scores()) """ c_scores = edata.copeland_scores(curr_cands = curr_cands) max_score = max(c_scores.values()) return sorted([c for c in c_scores.keys() if c_scores[c] == max_score])
@swf(name = "Copeland ranking") def copeland_ranking(edata, curr_cands=None, local=True, tie_breaking=None): """The SWF that ranks candidates by their Copeland scores. If local is True, then the Copeland scores are computed with respect to the profile restricted to curr_cands. Otherwise, the Copeland scores are computed with respect to the entire profile. Args: profile (Profile): An anonymous profile of linear orders on a set of candidates curr_cands (List[int], optional): The candidates to rank. If None, then all candidates in profile are ranked local (bool, optional): If True, then the Copeland scores are computed with respect to the profile restricted to curr_cands. Otherwise, the Copeland scores are computed with respect to the entire profile. tie_breaking (str, optional): The tie-breaking method to use. If None, then no tie-breaking is used. If "alphabetic", then the tie-breaking is done alphabetically. Returns: A Ranking object """ cands = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands if local: copeland_scores_dict = edata.copeland_scores(curr_cands=cands) else: c_scores = edata.copeland_scores(curr_cands=edata.candidates) copeland_scores_dict = {c: c_scores[c] for c in cands} for cand in cands: copeland_scores_dict[cand] = -copeland_scores_dict[cand] copeland_ranking = Ranking(copeland_scores_dict) copeland_ranking.normalize_ranks() if tie_breaking == "alphabetic": copeland_ranking = break_ties_alphabetically(copeland_ranking) return copeland_ranking
[docs] @vm(name = "Llull") def llull(edata, curr_cands = None): """The Llull score for a candidate :math:`c` is the number of candidates that :math:`c` is weakly majority preferred to. This is equivalent to calculating the Copeland scores for a candidate :math:`c` with 1 point for each candidate that :math:`c` is majority preferred to, 1/2 point for each candidate that :math:`c` is tied with, and 0 points for each candidate that is majority preferred to :math:`c`. The Llull winners are the candidates with the maximum Llull score in the profile restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `copeland_scores` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :meth:`pref_voting.profiles.Profile.copeland_scores`, :meth:`pref_voting.profiles_with_ties.ProfileWithTies.copeland_scores`, :meth:`pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs.MajorityGraph.copeland_scores` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import llull llull.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import llull prof = Profile([[1, 3, 0, 4, 2], [0, 1, 4, 2, 3], [2, 4, 0, 1, 3], [3, 0, 2, 4, 1], [4, 3, 1, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 1, 4]], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]) llull.display(prof) print(prof.copeland_scores(scores=(1, 0.5, 0))) """ l_scores = edata.copeland_scores(curr_cands = curr_cands, scores = (1,1,0)) max_score = max(l_scores.values()) return sorted([c for c in l_scores.keys() if l_scores[c] == max_score])
def left_covers(dom, c1, c2): # left covers: c1 left covers c2 when all the candidates that are majority preferred to c1 are also majority preferred to c2. # weakly left covers: c1 weakly left covers c2 when all the candidates that are majority preferred to or tied with c1 # are also majority preferred to or tied with c2. return dom[c1].issubset(dom[c2]) def right_covers(dom, c1, c2): # right covers: c1 right covers c2 when all the candidates that c2 majority preferrs are majority # preferred by c1 return dom[c2].issubset(dom[c1])
[docs] @vm(name = "Uncovered Set") def uc_gill(edata, curr_cands = None): """Uncovered Set (Gillies version): Given candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, say that :math:`a` defeats :math:`b` in the election if :math:`a` is majority preferred to :math:`b` and :math:`a` left covers :math:`b`: i.e., for all :math:`c`, if :math:`c` is majority preferred to :math:`a`, then :math:`c` majority preferred to :math:`b`. The winners are the set of candidates who are undefeated in the election restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `dominators` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_fish`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_bordes`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_mckelvey` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_gill uc_gill.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_gill prof = Profile([[2, 3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3], [3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) uc_gill.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} uc_set = list() for c1 in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for c2 in edata.dominators(c1, curr_cands = curr_cands): # consider only c2 predecessors if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 if left_covers(dom, c2, c1): is_in_ucs = False if is_in_ucs: uc_set.append(c1) return list(sorted(uc_set))
[docs] def uc_gill_defeat(edata, curr_cands = None): """Returns the defeat relation used to find the Uncovered Set (Gillies version) winners. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `dominators` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A networkx object in which there is an edge from :math:`a` to :math:`b` when :math:`a` to :math:`b` according to Top Cycle. .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_gill` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :include-source: True """ defeat = nx.DiGraph() candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands defeat.add_nodes_from(candidates) dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} for c1 in candidates: for c2 in edata.dominators(c1, curr_cands = curr_cands): # consider only c2 predecessors if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 if left_covers(dom, c2, c1): defeat.add_edge(c2, c1) return defeat
[docs] @vm(name = "Uncovered Set - Fishburn") def uc_fish(edata, curr_cands = None): """Uncovered Set (Fishburn version): Given candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, say that :math:`a` defeats :math:`b` in the election :math:`a` left covers :math:`b`: i.e., for all :math:`c`, if :math:`c` is majority preferred to :math:`a`, then :math:`c` majority preferred to :math:`b`. The winners are the set of candidates who are undefeated in the election restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `dominators` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_gill`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_bordes`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_mckelvey` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_fish uc_fish.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_fish prof = Profile([[2, 3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3], [3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) uc_fish.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} uc_set = list() for c1 in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for c2 in candidates: if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 but c1 does not left cover c2 if left_covers(dom, c2, c1) and not left_covers(dom, c1, c2): is_in_ucs = False if is_in_ucs: uc_set.append(c1) return list(sorted(uc_set))
[docs] def uc_fish_defeat(edata, curr_cands = None): """Returns the defeat relation used to find the Uncovered Set (Fishburn version) winners. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `dominators` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A networkx object in which there is an edge from :math:`a` to :math:`b` when :math:`a` to :math:`b` according to Top Cycle. .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_fish` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :include-source: True """ defeat = nx.DiGraph() candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands defeat.add_nodes_from(candidates) dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} for c1 in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for c2 in candidates: if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 but c1 does not left cover c2 if left_covers(dom, c2, c1) and not left_covers(dom, c1, c2): defeat.add_edge(c2, c1) return defeat
[docs] @vm(name = "Uncovered Set - Bordes") def uc_bordes(edata, curr_cands = None): """Uncovered Set (Bordes version): Given candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, say that :math:`a` Bordes covers :math:`b` if :math:`a` is majority preferred to :math:`b` and for all :math:`c`, if :math:`c` is majority preferred or tied with :math:`a`, then :math:`c` is majority preferred to or tied with :math:`b`. The winners are the set of candidates who are not Bordes covered in the election restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has `dominators` and `majority_prefers` methods. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_gill`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_fish`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_mckelvey` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_bordes uc_bordes.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_bordes prof = Profile([[2, 3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3], [3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) uc_bordes.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)).union([_c for _c in candidates if (not edata.majority_prefers(c, _c) and not edata.majority_prefers(_c, c))]) for c in candidates} uc_set = list() for c1 in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for c2 in edata.dominators(c1, curr_cands = curr_cands): # consider only c2 predecessors if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 if left_covers(dom, c2, c1): is_in_ucs = False if is_in_ucs: uc_set.append(c1) return list(sorted(uc_set))
[docs] @vm(name = "Uncovered Set - McKelvey") def uc_mckelvey(edata, curr_cands = None): """Uncovered Set (McKelvey version): Given candidates :math:`a` and :math:`b`, say that :math:`a` McKelvey covers :math:`b` if a Gillies covers :math:`b` and :math:`a` Bordes covers :math:`b`. The winners are the set of candidates who are not McKelvey covered in the election restricted to ``curr_cands``. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has `dominators` and `majority_prefers` methods. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_gill`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_fish`, :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.uc_bordes` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_mckelvey uc_bordes.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import uc_mckelvey prof = Profile([[2, 3, 0, 1], [0, 2, 1, 3], [3, 0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0]], [1, 1, 1, 2, 1]) uc_mckelvey.display(prof) """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands strict_dom = {c: set(edata.dominators(c, curr_cands = curr_cands)) for c in candidates} weak_dom = {c: strict_dom[c].union([_c for _c in candidates if (not edata.majority_prefers(c, _c) and not edata.majority_prefers(_c, c))]) for c in candidates} uc_set = list() for c1 in candidates: is_in_ucs = True for c2 in edata.dominators(c1, curr_cands = curr_cands): # consider only c2 predecessors if c1 != c2: # check if c2 left covers c1 if left_covers(strict_dom, c2, c1) and left_covers(weak_dom, c2, c1): is_in_ucs = False if is_in_ucs: uc_set.append(c1) return list(sorted(uc_set))
[docs] @vm(name = "Top Cycle") def top_cycle(edata, curr_cands = None): """The smallest set of candidates such that every candidate inside the set is majority preferred to every candidate outside the set. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `majority_prefers` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: Also known as ``getcha`` and ``smith_set``. Related function includes :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.gocha` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import top_cycle, getcha, smith_set top_cycle.display(prof) getcha.display(prof) smith_set.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import top_cycle, getcha, smith_set prof = Profile([[1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 3, 0, 2], [3, 1, 0, 2], [0, 3, 1, 2]], [1, 1, 1, 1]) top_cycle.display(prof) getcha.display(prof) smith_set.display(prof) """ wmg = get_weak_mg(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) scc = list(nx.strongly_connected_components(wmg)) min_indegree = min([max([wmg.in_degree(n) for n in comp]) for comp in scc]) smith = [comp for comp in scc if max([wmg.in_degree(n) for n in comp]) == min_indegree][0] return sorted(list(smith))
# Create some aliases for Top Cycle top_cycle.set_name("GETCHA") getcha = copy.deepcopy(top_cycle) top_cycle.set_name("Smith Set") smith_set = copy.deepcopy(top_cycle) # reset the name Top Cycle top_cycle.set_name("Top Cycle")
[docs] def top_cycle_defeat(edata, curr_cands = None): """Return the defeat relation associated with the Top Cycle voting method. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `majority_prefers` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A networkx object in which there is an edge from :math:`a` to :math:`b` when :math:`a` to :math:`b` according to Top Cycle. .. seealso:: :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.top_cycle` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True """ defeat = nx.DiGraph() candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands smith_set = top_cycle(edata, curr_cands = candidates) defeat.add_nodes_from(candidates) defeat.add_edges_from([(a, b) for a in candidates for b in candidates if a != b and a in smith_set and b not in smith_set]) return defeat
[docs] @vm(name = "GOCHA") def gocha(edata, curr_cands = None): """The GOCHA set (also known as the Schwartz set) is the set of all candidates x such that if y can reach x in the transitive closer of the majority relation, then x can reach y in the transitive closer of the majority relation. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `majority_prefers` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates .. seealso:: Also known as ``schwartz_set``. Related function includes :func:`pref_voting.c1_methods.top_cycle` :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import top_cycle, gocha, schwartz_set gocha.display(prof) schwartz_set.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.profiles import Profile from pref_voting.c1_methods import gocha, schwartz_set prof = Profile([[1, 2, 0, 3], [1, 3, 0, 2], [3, 1, 0, 2], [0, 3, 1, 2]], [1, 1, 1, 1]) gocha.display(prof) schwartz_set.display(prof) """ mg = get_mg(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) transitive_closure = nx.algorithms.dag.transitive_closure(mg) schwartz = set() for ssc in nx.strongly_connected_components(transitive_closure): if not any([transitive_closure.has_edge(c2,c1) for c1 in ssc for c2 in transitive_closure.nodes if c2 not in ssc]): schwartz = schwartz.union(ssc) return sorted(list(schwartz))
# Create some aliases for GOCHA gocha.set_name("Schwartz Set") schwartz_set = copy.deepcopy(gocha) # reset the name GETCHA gocha.set_name("GOCHA") ## Banks # def seqs(iterable): s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(permutations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1)) def is_transitive(G, p): for c1_idx, c1 in enumerate(p[:-1]): for c2 in p[c1_idx+1::]: if not G.has_edge(c1,c2): return False return True def is_subsequence(x, y): it = iter(y) return all(any(c == ch for c in it) for ch in x)
[docs] @vm(name = "Banks") def banks(edata, curr_cands = None): """ Say that a *chain* in majority graph is a subset of candidates that is linearly ordered by the majority relation. Then a candidate :math:`a` if :math:`a` is the maximum element with respect to the majority relation of some maximal chain in the majority graph. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import banks banks.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.c1_methods import banks mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 0, 8), (2, 3, 4), (2, 1, 10), (3, 1, 12)]) banks.display(mg) """ mg = get_mg(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) trans_paths = list() for s in seqs(mg.nodes): if nx.algorithms.simple_paths.is_simple_path(mg, s): if is_transitive(mg, s): trans_paths.append(s) maximal_paths = list() #print("max paths") for s in trans_paths: is_max = True for other_s in trans_paths: if s != other_s: if is_subsequence(s, other_s): is_max = False break if is_max: maximal_paths.append(s) return sorted(list(set([p[0] for p in maximal_paths])))
[docs] def banks_with_explanation(edata, curr_cands = None): """Return the Banks winners and the list of maximal chains in the majority graph. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates A list of lists of candidates each representing a maximal chain in the majority graph :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import banks_with_explanation bws, maximal_chains = banks_with_explanation(mg) print(f"Winning set: {bws}") for c in maximal_chains: print(f"Maximal chain: {c}") .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.c1_methods import banks_with_explanation mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 0, 8), (2, 3, 4), (2, 1, 10), (3, 1, 12)]) bws, maximal_chains = banks_with_explanation(mg) print(f"Winning set: {bws}") for c in maximal_chains: print(f"Maximal chain: {c}") """ mg = get_mg(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) trans_paths = list() for s in seqs(mg.nodes): if nx.algorithms.simple_paths.is_simple_path(mg, s): if is_transitive(mg, s): trans_paths.append(s) maximal_paths = list() #print("max paths") for s in trans_paths: is_max = True for other_s in trans_paths: if s != other_s: if is_subsequence(s, other_s): is_max = False break if is_max: maximal_paths.append(s) return sorted(list(set([p[0] for p in maximal_paths]))), maximal_paths
def lin_order_to_rel(lin_order): """Convert a linear order (a list of items) into a set of ordered pairs""" els = sorted(lin_order) rel = [] for a,b in combinations(els, 2): if lin_order.index(a) < lin_order.index(b): rel.append((a,b)) elif lin_order.index(b) < lin_order.index(a): rel.append((b,a)) return rel
[docs] def slater_rankings(edata, curr_cands = None): """ A Slater ranking is a linear order :math:`R` of the candidates that minimizes the number of edges in the majority graph we have to turn around before we obtain :math:`R`. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: rankings: A list of Slater rankings. dist: The minimum distance of the Slater rankings. :Example: .. exec_code:: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.c1_methods import slater_rankings mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 0, 8), (2, 3, 4), (2, 1, 10), (3, 1, 12)]) srs, d = slater_rankings(mg) print(f"minimum distance: {d}") for sr in srs: print(f"ranking: {sr}") """ candidates = edata.candidates if curr_cands is None else curr_cands min_dist = np.inf rankings = list() for lin_order in permutations(candidates): lo_rel = lin_order_to_rel(lin_order) dist = distance_to_margin_graph(edata, lo_rel, exp = 0, curr_cands = curr_cands) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist rankings = [lin_order] elif dist == min_dist: rankings.append(lin_order) return rankings, min_dist
[docs] @vm(name = "Slater") def slater(edata, curr_cands = None): """A Slater ranking is a linear order :math:`R` of the candidates that minimizes the number of edges in the majority graph we have to turn around before we obtain :math:`R`. A candidate is a Slater winner if the candidate is the top element of some Slater ranking. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin` method. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates :Example: .. plot:: margin_graphs_examples/ :context: reset :include-source: True .. code-block:: from pref_voting.c1_methods import slater slater.display(prof) .. exec_code:: :hide_code: from pref_voting.weighted_majority_graphs import MarginGraph from pref_voting.c1_methods import slater mg = MarginGraph([0, 1, 2, 3], [(0, 2, 2), (0, 3, 6), (1, 0, 8), (2, 3, 4), (2, 1, 10), (3, 1, 12)]) slater.display(mg) """ rankings, dist = slater_rankings(edata, curr_cands = curr_cands) return sorted(list(set([r[0] for r in rankings])))
@vm(name="Bipartisan Set") def bipartisan(edata, curr_cands = None, threshold = 0.0000001): """The Bipartisan Set is the support of the (chosen) C1 maximal lottery. Args: edata (Profile, ProfileWithTies, MajorityGraph, MarginGraph): Any election data that has a `margin_matrix` attribute. curr_cands (List[int], optional): If set, then find the winners for the profile restricted to the candidates in ``curr_cands`` Returns: A sorted list of candidates. """ ml = c1_maximal_lottery(edata, curr_cands=curr_cands) return sorted([c for c in ml.keys() if ml[c] > threshold]) c1_vms = [ banks, condorcet, copeland, llull, uc_gill, uc_fish, uc_bordes, uc_mckelvey, top_cycle, gocha, ] c1_swf = [ copeland_ranking ] defeat_methods = [ top_cycle_defeat, uc_gill_defeat, uc_fish_defeat ]